
How can i be a size uk 6 im a size uk 10 ?

by  |  earlier

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im naturally a size 8 but i put on weight but im kinda a indie chick i guess and i cant get any indie guys cause they go for really skinny girls and i even looked up on google and it said indie girls are skinny im indie but defo not skinny i dont want to feel a fat ***** so im 5ft and weigh 126 pounds /9 stone i want to be size 6 - 8 so how can i get to a size uk 6?




  1. Do lots of exercise and diet. But there's nothing wrong with being a 10. It's not big at all.

  2. I'm going to help you out, but I'm going to say whats on my mind.

    Isn't indie short for independant?

    If you're independant doesn't that mean you DONT look like everyone else?


    How to lose weight:

    Limit your carbs. Meaning try and eat no carbs (ie, bread, pasta, pancakes, biscuits, cereal & rice) and limit your cheese unless it's low fat. No milk, try chocolate soymilk (it's pretty good) and limit your red meat.  

  3. dont loose weight at all. loads of people would die to be a size 10 :D


  4. You are not fat.

    You don't need to be skinny for guys to find you attractive, honestly. You are a nice slim size....I'm surprised you are even 9 stone wearing a size 10 at 5ft.....thought you'd be closer to 8 1/2 stone or less.

  5. go to the gym in your free time, and a crosstrainer is especially good for burning calories

    also cut down on fatty food like cake and chocolate, and replace them with fruit

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