
How can i be a travel agent?

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How can i be a travel agent?




  1. The first and foremost thing to legalize your wish, just get a trade license. Now you have to workout what sort of tour you are going to offer. Also start contacting other travel agent who are not operative in your targeted area to form a chain.

    Do these initial works and then get back to me.

  2. Get in contact with a uni or tafe etc and ask if there are any courses going in this subject.. Or go int your local travel agency ask their advice on how to go about it..You could  express your interest to them  about how  keen you are to learn and ask if there is any chance of them giving you any work experience as you really want to learn. You will still have to do some training like a course etc I'm sure they will advise you on this.I would  do some traing gain some experience first and advise before even thinking about  going  into business first All the best. It sounds like fun job.

  3. I don't think a certification is important, it will all depend of what you know about the industry and your skills

    it all about learning about the travel industry ...

    If you are so much interested it will into take long for your to learn all about the industry..

    but remember you will always learn new things and new travel concepts everyday cause its growing and changing so fast..

    You can now learn online about travel & tourism while working

    I recommend you Cengage Education

  4. Maybe this can help:

    Travel Presentation

    or go here for more info:

    Compensation Plan



  5. Training and schooling. I also recommend that you get an IATA certification, making you more attractive to employers.

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