
How can i be a vartsity setter?

by Guest57645  |  earlier

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last year i set jv2. i have only played volleyball for 10 months now. i will be a junior next year. i know it seems like im rushing with trying to make varsity but i really want to make it. i made a club team and ive been practicing since i started less than a year ago. i have become pretty consistent with my sets and the coaches think im doing well. im even setting just as well as the girls that have been setting for 4 or 5 years. any tips to make varsity? thanks! :D




  1. If you have spikers on your team and get your bump, set and even spike YOu never know what'sgoing to happen.

  2. practice makes perfect!8D

  3. I was a varsity setter for 3 years and my parents are here's my advice.

    1. Have a good attitude no matter what.  Especially with the outcome.

    2. Even if you think you are setting as well as the other girls...dont get cocky and focus on your own skills...not theirs.

    3. You need to learn all the other positions and know how they work.  You need to know when and where to set each hitter.  You should also be able to "see" the other side of the court and tell your hitters what kind of play to run and where to hit the ball to.

    4.  Be loud!  Setters are supposed to be "bossy"...but not in a bad way.  You should always know where everyone on the court should be...and if they arent there...then tell them!  

    5. Go to camps.  Buy a setter ball.  Practicing always, always, always helps.  Consistancy is the key.

    6. HAVE FUN!  No matter what happens at tryouts...make the most of your position...whatever it may be!

    Good luck!

  4. just keep on practicing your sets all the time and show your coaches that you are coachable and you really want to be the varsity setter

  5. Work hard til the end of club season and between Club and HS hit as many camps as you can. Use the things you learn at camp as well as these tips: 1. Be loud at tryouts 2. If you think your being loud by calling every ball and communicating your still not being loud enough. Some focuses in your training should be soft hands clean hands and footwork. Watching video online should help. My friend is the starting setter for the womens national team so if u really want some pointers i can give you her email or you can find it for Angie McGinnis.

  6. hard work &

    experience - how to play at the net.  you need to be very smart when you are up against MB when you are a back-row player etc... ... ... ..  which you really can't push with your lack of exp....    just be patient

  7. Well i have started Varsity since i was in 9th grade so yeah. but basically you need to practice everyday work 110%. It would be a good idea to go to a few volleyball camps that focus on setters only. Believe that you can do it. dont put yourself down when you dont set some one up perfect the first time just keep telling yourself that you'll get it next time believe me it helps ALOT! Do wall sits when your watching a movie or a favorite show. And lift weights everyday!

    Be careful and most importantly just have fun! And good luck for next season hope you make it! =]

  8. Consistency helps. Causing very little rotation on the ball helps, because your team can lose points quickly on plays whistled dead due to a bad set.

    The setter is the quarterback of the team and you need to show your leadership like one. It's your job to find the best way for your team to score. Set your best hitter(s) when you are down on points. Exploit the weak blocker by setting the ball there. Know the plays and and always be ready to play defense. Defense is a team process.

    Show the coach that the team scores more when you are the setter. Don't give up points on the serve. If you don't serve strong at least serve it in.

  9. ???????????

  10. sometimes making a team depends on what the team needs. if the varsity team already has a setter then you probably dont have a good chance even if you are good enough. just try your best and have fun!

  11. Soft hands...not hard fingers!

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