
How can i be a vegetarian and maintain it?

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I am almost 14 and i am a very big animal lover i have been trying to become and stay vegetarian but because i am the only one in my house ho will not eat meat it is kinda hard. So does anyone have any suggestions on how i can help myself stay a vegetarian and eat healthy?

What all can i eat? What cant i eat?

Thanks much love

<3 Kaley :D




  1. im a vegetarian too and power to ya!!!!!

    once you have been vegetarian for a while, just the smell of meat grosses ya out. so you probably wont have to worry about that for long

    and there is this brand of food thats called, morning star and it has vegetarian hot dogs and all kinds of stufff

    you can eat anything besides meat. but most people will still eat fish, i do. and i would also reccomend taking a daily vitamin, since you aren&#039;t eating meat

    hope this helps :)

  2. I think it&#039;s a great idea to go veg! My biggest advice for you is to go your own pace. Slow and steady wins the race! :D It&#039;s definetly going to be a bit more difficult being the only vegetarian in a house filled with meat-eaters, but as long as you stay motivated, you can do it!

    Anyways a vegetarian diet is perfectly healthy and you will be helping not only animals, but the enviorment as well. According to Dr. David Brubaker, PhD, at Johns Hopkins University’s Center for a Livable Future, “The way that we breed animals for food is a threat to the planet. It pollutes our environment while consuming huge amounts of water, grain, petroleum, pesticides and drugs. The results are disastrous.”

    It is also quite healthy:

    “Vegetarian diets offer a number of nutritional benefits, including lower levels of saturated fat, cholesterol, and animal protein, as well as higher levels of carbohydrates, fiber, magnesium, potassium, folate, and antioxidants such as vitamins C and E and phytochemicals. Vegetarians have been reported to have lower body mass indices than nonvegetarians, as well as lower rates of death from ischemic heart disease; vegetarians also show lower blood cholesterol levels; lower blood pressure; and lower rates of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and prostate and colon cancer.”

    --American Dietetic Association, June 2003 position paper


    Check out this website for fantastic recipes:

    For more recipes, I suggest you look through some cookbooks. Check out your local library, online or a book store. You can also search for recipes on the web, print them out, put them together and make your own cookbook :)

    There are also many meat replacements out there that can help you on your &quot;go veg&quot; journey :D

    Here is a list:

    Basically these items taste like the real thing, look like the real thing, but they are fakes...very healthy fakes! :)

    Also when going vegetarian, it&#039;s important to eat lots of fruits, vegetables and foods rich in protein. Here is a list of foods that contain protein:


    black beans

    brown rice


    garbonzo beans

    kidney beans


    lima beans

    peanut butter

    pinto beans




    sunflower seeds

    textured vegetable protein


    veggie dogs &amp; burgers

    If you are wondering what you CAN&#039;T eat (besides meat, of course) I would definetly stay away from gelatin. Gelatin is derived from collagen found in the bones, cartilage, connective tissue, and skin of animals, traditionally cows. It is found in most candies, such as skittles and starbursts. Even some potato salad has it...just make sure to always read labels.

    Anyways congrats on wanting to become a vegetarian and hope I helped :)

  3. okay im sorry to tell u this but really its a lifecycle if you think about it so why be a vegetarian?

    and isnt it obvious knowing what you can and cannot eat? seriously!

    it wouldnt be hard to be a vegetarian with ppl in ur house that are not..just tell them to buy u microwavable food thats vegetarian lol

  4. I would search for different kinds of vegetarian recipes online. There are TONS of sites.

    Those both have vegetarian sections. Or simply search &quot;Vegetarian&quot;

    Being a vegetarian is all about finding things you like an experimenting with different spices and new seasonings. It&#039;s all about flavor.You&#039;ll find things eventually that will make you forget abou all the meat products you&#039;ve been eating. Also, next time you go to the grocery store, look for the Vegan section. It&#039;s usually close to the produce. They have a bunch f vegan or vegetarian substitutes. Goodluck! :)

  5. You need to research vegetarians because there are many different types.  Ex:  Some eat eggs, some don&#039;t.  Some eat fish some don&#039;t.  I think it all depends on your beliefs, and you will be able to stick with it.  Being a vegetarian can be very healthy if you know how to get the right amount of vitamins your body needs on a daily basis to be healthy.  That is why I hope you will go to the library and get a book, or look online and try to find a reputable site to learn how to make sure you are eating healthy.  You also need to find certain supplemental foods for some of your vitamins.  Vitamin b-12 is a good example of this, since it is found in animal products and your body needs this vitamin for your red blood cells, and the nervous system.  

    Good luck!

  6. I stopped eating meat five weeks age.  I just remember how much I care about the animals and how badly they are treated.  If you crave meat veggie burgers can help.  They are also very high in protein.  Peanut butter, whole grain bread, tofu, lentil soup, are all good foods for a vegetarian to eat.  Also, most yogurt has gluten in it.  Some cheese has rennet.  A vegetarian won&#039;t eat those.

    good luck

  7. I&#039;m a vegetarian about your age, and I have been for about eight years. Of course, my mom is one too, so that&#039;s helpful, but I know how hard it can be with friends and other family carnivores. Anyway...

    Just try to keep a balanced diet. You have to make sure you get your protein and other things you&#039;ll miss out on; eat peanut butter, nuts, beans... Fish, if you want to go that way. You should take a vitamin; find one for vegetarians or just an all-around good one. Drink plenty of milk, and obviously vegetables and fruits and whole grains and other balanced diet. As for meat substitues, there are tons of good ones. Bocoa burgers, tofu, fake chicken... I have &quot;fake meat&quot; quesadillas and snack wraps and meatless meat balls all the time.

    It might take some effort, but you should be able to do it when you set your mind to it. It&#039;s pretty easy to find vegetarian recipes or options at restaurants now. Just make sure you get all the nutrients and things you&#039;ll be missing out on. I think it&#039;s great you&#039;re trying!

  8. It all depends on your parents, finance and how committed you are to being a vegetarian. If your parents are voracious meat eaters then the odds are against you. I would suggest buying a vegetarian cook book for starters then  you could branch off from there.

    -Good Luck

  9. well... you could eat tofu. it might look alil weird and smell but im sure it doesnt taste that bad... its really good for you.

    and dont forget to eat alot of fruits and vegitables.

    i like your determination... i tryed the vegitarian thing once but it didnt work out... hope it does for you. =)

    good luck.

  10. Your love for the animals can overcome the craving. Dun get tempted by the food consume by your family. Always prepare your own food when go outing with ur family so u can enjoy urs and they enjoy theirs.

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