
How can i be better at maths?

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How can i be better at maths?




  1. Pay attention, ask questions, don't give up on it, and of course, practice.

  2. Yes Amanda, there are many branches of math, called (collectively...) maths in some cultures.


    One great source for you is Schaum's Outline series.

    I own everyone in math (and others) and taught myself two courses when I was a HS student.  The books have TONNES of examples solved step-by-step then a bunch of problems for you to solve (with solutions) then a bunch just with answers.

    These books make great "companions" for any math text.

    Also, REA's Outline books are excellent.  They are way too thick, but boy oh boy do they have every imaginable problem in them.

    So, you see, I too am saying "burn those pencils and paper", i.e., practice.  You can't learn math without doing bunches of problems.

    When I was a kid (when dinosaurs walked the earth) teachers assigned 30-80 problems a night.  These days, you get just a few.  It is great to be done with your homework in a few minutes, but what do you learn in the long run?  Nada/nuttin/zero/zed/zip/the null set/rien!

    Good luck.  Don't hesitate to post your more difficult problems.  This site is full of folks who want to help out


  3. Practice Practice Practice, I know I sound like a broken record and you probably heard that before but it's the only way, learn from your mistakes and keep trying.

    It doesn't hurt to read and use supplement books as well like the dummies series or the like as they are great for making harder concepts sound more down to earth but you wont remember any of it unless you PRACTICE!


  4. you mean math?

    practice. practice. practice.

    what area are you needed most in? that should help you narrow down what you need the most help with and then maybe you can get some better help with your quesiton.

  5. Practice or invest in a math tutor.

  6. Try using this website:-

  7. i agree with everyone else.

    but that first person is stupid...

    australians and other people i guess call it maths, not math.

  8. LOVE Math

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