
How can i be dedicated if i cant be there to make it effective?

by  |  earlier

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my horse needs alot of groundwork to get back to respect he has lost for me

but he live 10 miles away. and i have no means of getting to him during the week

and i can only go on weekends

he needs work, but how can it be effective if he only gets trainer 2 days a week???




  1. Just because you only do groundwork on the weekends, doesn't mean that it isn't effective! It just means that he will come around at a slower pace. He will still learn from it! If that's all you can do, that is all you can do! Don't worry about it and do it off a lunge line (or Clinton Anderson halter w/long lead) in the arena. You have to work with what you've got. Don't worry about not seeing your horse during the week. Most people either have school or jobs so you're not alone. Please don't think that working with him every weekend wouldn't be effective, because it definitely would! He's just going to make slower progress than a horse that gets trained everyday but that is NO REASON to give up! Hang in there and do what you can!

  2. okay, now that i read this question and know more of what you're talking about. i'll try to come up with more suggetions.

    ride a bike, ask you're parents to set at least 1 day during the week so that you can ride, ask you're parents to move the horse closer with you helping to pay for a closer place.  

    like someone else said, write all the pro's and con's of moving the horse closer/to you're place. make a list of all the monthly bills you're going to have to pay (if you have enough land to have them at home).

    you have to have enought land, if you dont, then i really wouldnt ask my family to move so i could have what i wanted.

    but right out a complete list, a price list, and shop around for closer barns. . . and that's the starting point.

  3. You need to find somewhere closer to home or more accessable to keep him so you can get to him easier.  At least you have the trainer working him a couple of days a week.  A horse is a huge commitment and needs care and attention every day.  If you cannot give him this care for whatever reason then you really shouldn't have him.  Its harsh but reality.  As a kid I would cycle 12 miles each way just to feed and groom my horse as he was too young to be ridden.  That was after a 2 mile walk to school so if you really want to do it you can.

  4. Around my area, there is a '4 day ride with your mind course', there is boarding for you and your horse. You could start with going on one of these? And also, does anyone else ride him? Like through the week when your not there?

  5. 2 days a week is fine , just make it quality time and try not to overload him when you are training . try and make it fun for him to. play some games and don't spend to long on one thing just until he gets it right ,then stop. i personally don't use round yards, just a 12 foot line with a rope halter. the secret is to be gentle and confident.

  6. This is one thing i hate about boarding.  When i got married i had the same problem but my horses were further away.  It seemed like daily life and getting to the horses was difficult and i drive....It so much easier now that I'm back at the ranch, heck i can walk outside in my Pj's if i want to LOL.  Dont give up you'll regret it later.  I sold mine and it seemed like a big chunk of my life was gone...Now that I'm back home i have many horses and life feels complete.  Just use the time you do have and get you guy going in the right direction.

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