
How can i be environmentally friendly at University/College?

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Any ideas on recycling and generally being environmentally friendly while at University/College?

I won't be driving anywhere, I am a vegan and make a concious effort to only eat seasonal, organic fruit and vegetables.

Please help!





  1. shave your head so you don't have to waste gas going to and from a salon or barber every 2 weeks.

  2. Drink tap water not bottled and encourage others to do so- it's better for you too and free

  3. Stop using excess water

  4. Focus on your studies and learn to think for yourself.  That is why your are you afforded the privilege of a university education.  Society is investing a lot of resources into your education, and only down the road will the investment be recouped.

    At some point you may acquire enough knowledge to realize a lot of taken-for-granted conventional wisdom ... is simply wrong.  A lot of slam-dunk, open and shut cases ... are not.

    So the most environmentally friendly thing you can do, is to excel.  Good luck!

  5. Recycle your lunch paper, any bags of chips, bring your own water, all these kind of stuff.

  6. Lots of ways, here are some suggestions:

    *  Join an environmental cause club or organization

    *  Volunteer & set an example for your peers

    *  See if your college offers a vegan, locavore, or similar table

    *  Recycle, set up recycling stations in your dorm

    *  Ride a bicycle, encourage others to bike commute

    *  Teach others about your beliefs & why you feel that way--  especially kids- always in a friendly, non-threatening way.

    *  Encourage others to take small steps toward being environmentally friendly, to get them started. Don't overwhelm them with a list of to-dos.

    *  Sponsor a recycled object art contest

    * Collect, fix, and distribute bikes for the homeless/poor so they can have transportation to a job & health care.

    *  Offer to write a column about recycling or environmentally friendly events for your student newspaper

    Need more ideas? They are endless.

  7. Most of all, don't get too preachy about telling other people to do things you can't afford to do just because you are a college student.  

    Don't forget to watch the late night noise pollution when others are trying to study.

  8. I do dumpster dipping (diving seems dangerous) at a university.  I see lots of folks need help/motivation putting things in the right bins.  e.g. Recycling all kinds of paper and cardboard saves 2-3 times its weight in CO2.  For a fun read see

    See if you can Identify the university.

    Help your dorm buddies donate their cast-offs to a local charity shop.

  9. Quit buying organic fruits and vegetables and start taking them.  Grocery stores, cafes, bakeries, and restaurants throw out perfectly good food everyday.  Check the dumpsters in your area, determine which places throw out good food.  Visit them on a regular basis.  I know plenty of organic farmers and almost all that i know still use petroleum run vehicles to harvest crops.  If you're going to buy organic buy local. If possible find a place to garden.  If not spices and small things can be grown indoors.

  10. don't go.

  11. recycle, also bring your own mug for coffee or tea instead of buying one....

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