
How can i be happy with out my friends?

by  |  earlier

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i left my friends 3 weeks ago. i don't really know what to do with out them any more. they were the most amazing people i've ever seen in my whole in tier life. they care like a mom, they know me& what i need even more than me. i think i'm addicted to them.i wish i could get them back. now i've got no one to share my feelings,& i'm brokenly loneliness so i just decided not to get close to anyone anymore.please help me.




  1. Move on and find new friends. You will never be happy unless you get close to new friends. After I left all my friends and moved 1,000 miles away I thought I would miss them and I do, but I've made alot better friends. You will to.

  2. why dont you go back to them..telll them you are sorry. Its gonna take a lot  of guts,  but if you really miss them..go back to them. It will be worth it in the long run. And if they were your true friends, theyd take you back.

  3. well you should remind yourself why you left them and build a bridge and get over it.i totally know what you mean though.....!ive had the same problem.>:(

  4. why can't you keep in touch?

    You will never forget them, and they will always have a place in your heart.. so accept that...

    whether you continue talking with them or not is up to you, but definitely don't let it affect your desire to make new friends....

    their are so many people in this world.. and they all have something to offer...

    like that song they teach in kindergarten "make new friends, but keep the old... one is silver and the others gold..."


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