
How can i be mean?

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I want to be stronger,colder and meaner than ever...i cannot be so kind and good anymore i want to change...




  1. Don't change yourself, change the circumstance that makes you want to be, stronger, colder, and meaner.  Maybe you should change that to you just want to be stronger. Because strength will help you rid yourself of what ever it is that makes want to be mean.

  2. May I ask why?

  3. Be determined and rational. Be true to yourself, but do not reveal every single thing about yourself to others. Reserve a bit, try speaking only rationally and when necessary. But dont change the good in yourself. And before helping someone out in kindness, step back and think about it and make a good decision. Don't be mean otherwise you will begin disliking yourself.

  4. you don't have to be mean to be direct and firm.

  5. Don't do that, You've been blessed with a conscience. if you're good, generous naturally then you will feel worse acting bad, than you will, being abused or exploited for being nice.

    Just don't put up with anything unfair, and when you dont feel like giving, just refuse. Theres no need to be mean, I can't see why anyone would want to lose their morals.

    Perhaps a naturally bad person wanting to be good... but come on... whats wrong with you??!!

  6. dont try to change the ways u r kuz then bad things might happend 'think about it'

  7. Real meanness is a gift although with lots of practice you can ultimately reach your goal.  Enjoy your journey!

  8. misery loves company and don't even for a second think about joining their company, you'll regret it.  humanity needs people like you.  being good and kind doesn't make you weak.  what you should be asking is how can i increase my self-confidence so others can not get to me?  take care

  9. you wont be liked very  well .you attract people like yourselves. is that what you want?  It doesn;t pay to be mean.

  10. Some people expect you to be mean. However, it's alright to have some soft spot for people you love. I mean, if you punched some one in the face, does karma not repay you for that act by sending in the cops even though you hate them?

  11. I don't see what this will achieve.

    Someone who truly wants and needs to change wuold not be asking people on Y!A like this. They would be changing as a result.

    You can't force yourself to be this way. It will come, but not under demand.

    Why don't you just reflect about what you have to live for. Being cold and mean could hurt someone. And predominantly, in the long run, the person it will hurt most is yourself. Your reputation, your relationships, your passions.

    Please think this through !
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