
How can i be more confident? ?

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i am not confident at all and just want to be more confident help please advice !




  1. confident at what exactly?

    this may sound stupid but, TV taught me that a couple of beers should boost your confidence.

  2. hey think allways possitive dnt think negative.if u think negative den u ll loose ur confident.dats think be positive.watever u do first u shuld think dat i can do dis 4 any cost i ll do dis one lik dis spirit shud cm ur mind.all da best........keep smile al time.

  3. Make a list of special talents you have, or things you do that are good at.

    Find your passion - Something you enjoy and feel confident doing.

    Get a role model, whether someone close to you, or someone famous. Think of the qualities that the role model displays, whether physical, emotional, moral, and/or spiritual. Work towards acquiring those.

    Don't think about yourself too much. Try not to focus negatively on how you come across or how others may perceive you. Instead, focus more on making other people happy, and that will build your confidence as other people start enjoying your company.

    Accept compliments gracefully. Don't roll your eyes and say, "Yeah, right," or shrug it off. Take it to heart and respond positively ("Thank you" and a smile works well).

    Know that you have important things to say and do. When you feel strongly about something, speak loudly and clearly and make eye contact with people. Be yourself.

    Take care of yourself. Eat a healthy diet and get enough exercise. Don't abuse your body, don't overload it, and don't deny it any of the things it needs. At the same time, don't obsess. Buying all the moisturizers, creams and conditioners will not bring you closer to who you want to be. Those things are only band-aids and make up. Confidence comes from within. Take the time to reflect on your life and do some emotional maintenance. In order to be confident, you must value yourself and understand that your well-being is important.

    Stick up for yourself. If people put you down.

    Celebrate your individuality. If you know you've got something special or different, then embrace it—don't hide it!

    Take action. It is surprising how powerful the simple step of taking an action can be. And the action you take need not be something extravagant or grand. It could be something as simple as tackling a task that you have been procrastinating, such as writing a letter or tidying up that corner of the garage that has been out of control for the last several months. It could also be something as interesting as taking a class in yoga, art, interior design, anything that interests you that you haven't done yet. Whether large or small, action brings with it exhilaration, enthusiasm, and the confidence that other things can be done as well.

    Make a blog. Blogs are a great way to publish your thoughts and opinions on the Internet. Make it anonymous if you would like. It's completely your choice. But have fun with your topics and just be confident with what you write. Be careful though, and don't write anything about others that you wouldn't want them to find! Happy blogging.

  4. there is a trick for this.

    Pretend.If you pretend you are the confident person you want to be, it will shine through on the outside.Take risks and talk to people you usually wouldnt.

    Wear the outfit which makes you feel hot, or buy a new one, get your hair and nails done and walk through town or somewere busy n hold your head up high.

    If its confidence talking to people maybe get a job or voulenteer helping people.

    Or do a simple thing like asking a cute guy or a group of people you woulldnt normally talk to the time.

    Remember you are unique and poeple want to hear your views and opinions.

    There is only one shot at life, you dont want to regret anythink.Life lif to the fullest

    ella :)

  5. its called self esteem....they dont sell it.. u have to have it

  6. picture everybody naked

  7. join a drama class

    or spend some time infront of a mirror pointing out the good points in yourself

    i joined a drama class when i was 6 and now im really confident at 13.

  8. confident is mystery

    sometimes we can solve it and can be very confident... but sometimes it can be very hard and will be shy or may be look so very stupid.

    Best way are :

    - you must learn why sometimes you be unconfident

    - solve problem that make you can't be confident

    - try to learn what 's your strenght and try to learn what's your shortage

    - think again.. when did you feel so better when you use your strenght and think about how did your strenght help you so far

    - prepare everything you need when you want to do something, when needed make list to do.

    - always be positive thinking, because positive think will be plant at your mind and help you to control your mind better for confidet

    - always believe to God, God give us our strenght and our shortage with many plann. Pray to God make us always be confident with his plann.

    God always with us.

    Good Luck to be A Confident person.

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