
How can i be more motivated at work?Please help!!!!?

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i have a job at starbucks i try to be all peppy i dont do so bad but i hate being fake.. cuz i hate when people do that to me.. i use to be a people person but because of an experiance a year a go i have trust issuse i tend to not be my sweet self till i see your trustworthy so my first impresson is alway a total b... so i tend to love to quit jobs.. i say its cuz i hate dealing with people ... i love being a barista makin drinks... so i wanted to be a bartender but being that i have people issues its not looking so good.. i have eye contact probleams as well.. i need my current job so how can i be more motivated and happy. and i hate office jobs im to a d d i love moving around creative stuff if you have any suggestions for any type of work please help!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Well you could think about your paycheck lol =]. You could also tell yourself that you are doing this to help the citizens get their routine on track. Most people do have coffee in the morning, so you do help them in a way.

    If you plan to quit this job then why not do a job with animals! They aren't people and you can become very closely attatched. Like work at a pound or a humaine society. Not sure if humaine pays though, might have to check up on that one.

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