
How can i be more popular at school?

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i sometimes ge bullied at school because im small for my age and ive gt something called turnersyndrome and i am too neavous to stik up for myself




  1. I feel your pain.  i imagine turner syndrome can be hard on a young girl.  The best way to help epeople see that you are a great person, is to start believing in yourself.  You have to know that you are a great person before you can expect anyone else to know it.  Show your interest in people and be confident in yourself.  Ignore those that try to bring you down and make friends with those that will help you grow to be an even better person.

  2. Join a club.Your height doesn't explain your personality!.Look for a club that has interests,and i'm sure alot of people like what you like.Sure,All of us are different and one day someones gonna come along and say "eww your ugly or eww your hair is horrible" but did you decide to be like that?.Nah.Talk to your guidance counselour.Maybe she can find some good clubs for you.The summers coming,and maybe you can join a camp.

  3. stick up for your self b/c if you let people push you around they will continue-i used to let people push me around b/c they were bigger then me but stand up for yourself & if they hit you then you better hit back-even if you cant fight. you better bite, kick, pull hair.

    to be popular try out for clubs, sports & groups. dress cute-nice hair, outfits & be nice, friendly & outgoing & you will get noticed. dont steal other people boyfriends, or start drama or you will be popular for the wrong reason-b/c everyone wants to kick ya ***!

    start hanging out with friends who know people who know people-if you hanging with a friend and she stops in the hall way to talk to a popular girl(or boy) in the hallway that she knows & she stops to talk to her-first compliment the girl on something! then the next time you run into her ask her a question-like what grade is she in, what hall is she, where did she get her shirt from or is she going to the dance.

    be friendly but not with people boyfriends-stay away from the mean girls-they may be popular but they will use you & stab you in the back every secound they get. practice these skills & you will be popular!

    myspace can help you get to know other people also

  4. make more friends . -take the same intrests as them .

    say hi and ask how people r ?

    join a  club .

    get something done that makes you feel better .ie:

    eyebrows , hair , nails .

    good luck_x

  5. start by making sure you feel good about yourself. we all feel better when we look nice, have our hair done just right and makeup, you know? try joining a club, even  yearbook or something. youre going to have to stand up for yourself. chances are those bullies will back down when they see that youre not going to put up with them anymore! talk to the counselor, just say hi to people in the hallways. oh if i was your age (im old lady now!) good luck hon! enjoy the freinds and family you have! i met my best freind in college, and really dont talk to maybe 1 or 2 girls from high school.

  6. make more friends, and hang out wit them, if there your true friends, they will watch ur bak and stick up for u!

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