
How can i be more socially comfortable so my daughter can make friends...?

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i know most people feel some what akward in new social circles...but I'm ridiculous and need to make sure my daughter learns the right way. I can be VERY fun and outgoing, but I rely on other people to make the first encounter if they don't I back away. I don't want my daughter to grow up like I did and never have a group or even a small circle of friends that she can call her own. I jumped from friend to friend growing up...and still at 29, I have no real friends. Sure I talk to people, I have alot of co workers that I socialize with...but none that I can call up and just go out with on a one on one basis. I'm certainly not a starter and I know my daughter already has a bit of it in her. How do I help her when I'm timid myself about meeting other parents? Confidence level is way down. She starts school Tuesday and I have already signed her up for soccer...but How do i socialize with other parents instead of just standing there looking and feeling VERY akward?




  1. Children lead by there parents example start by being more outgoing yourself if you see one of her friends parents out say hi sit in the bleacher s talk to the other moms ask them about their kids bring up things like her assignments in school. My daughters started kindergarten this year and I have tried to introduce myself to other parents and the teacher and ask lots of questions. If the teachers know about your concern they will help you. Talk to her teacher in private and tell her you would like to build up your daughter confidence and ask her for suggestions. Her teacher will probably be willing to help and will let you know as the year goes on if she seems to be more outgoing or what you can do at home to help.

  2. just be a good example and say hi she will learn from you and will do the same

  3. Hi, I know this can be very difficult. I'm sure while you are standing there watching her play soccer one of the other parents will come up to you and say hi, then take it from there.  

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