
How can i be physically and mentally tough for rugby?

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yea....that's my question




  1. Honestly, depends on where you play, if your a scrum player a front line type of guy have a I'm going to f*&$ that guy up kind of mentality wherever you go, go to the gym run, if your a hooker pratice your throw ins whever you get the chance. Pratice go 100 percent, because that will get you (and your team) mentally and physically prepared for games.

    Mentally also watch film, not just of your games, but if real life rugby games, watch the all blacks games, tri nation games, h**l even USA rugby vs most great teams shows what not to do. Focus on your position and see what you can pick up from them.

    Physically the best thing for you to do is run - when i was in rugby 2 miles a day min. If you want to be out there the entire game you best not be tired because if you wanna be good, your gonna have to give it your all. Get to the gym, work the legs a lot, some players just do upper body but most tackles are through the hamstring area, so have a balanced workout routine.

    Mentally also - get to know your teamates, find the leaders and see how they approach the game they could have some good tips to help you out.

    Never give up.

  2. duct tape the but hole

  3. Physically it's easy:

    1. 200 pushups a day

    2. 250 situps a day

    3. 2-3 miles running

    4. 1 hour of stretching (pay attention to quads, hamstrings, groin and hip-flexors)

    That's the "foundation" to becoming a good rugby player. The mental game comes naturally after the physical game. A wise coach told me once: "The secrets of Rugby are revealed to those that are fit".

  4. Do what Soccer Players can't, Grow Balls, Don't Dive, Play with Heart and love the sport for being exactly that a sport.

  5. physically; go to gym, run lots and try hard in the game.

    meantally; think positively, try hard think the right way..

  6. Their called steroids! lol


    But what helps me for football, just think of the one thing that makes you angry! When your mad, u get stronger, and faster!

    PS. Don't do wat the dude above me said. *_^

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