
How can i be sure that God exists?

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does God exist?

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  1. You can't

  2. It's not a question of whether God exists or not. But rather a question of why we feel the need to question at all?

    When that question is answered, the need to prove any existence is no longer a worry.

  3. The same way you are sure of anything else. What are you really sure of right now? I think you will be surprised when you stop to think of how many things we are not really sure of at all, but only choose to believe. I used to think I was sure of allot of things. I was sure that the only things I could be sure of were things I could prove for myself, such as what I could see and hear or experience first hand.

    But not any longer. I came to this awareness that what we actually think we sense as reality in this life, couldn't be farther from the truth. What we think we see and hear and use all of our other senses to experience as real and tangible evidence of our own existence, simply isn't there.

    Until one comes to the point of being sure that their own existence is not what they once thought it was, it is quite difficult to answer a question such as yours. How could we possibly know what else exists, when we don't even know the reality of own existence. Weird I know, when you first think about it, but watch this video and see what I am talking about.

    Don't take my word for what I said here, once you see for yourself the condition we ourselves are in, you will understand why you and so many many other people have the same question you do. I had it for years. This video helped me a great deal and I hope you find it interesting as well. Best wishes in finding all that you are looking for!

  4. ask God and let God tell you...I mean who are you gonna believe anyway?

  5. You can be sure because you are where ever you are.

    Yes, God exists.

  6. read the new testament and believe in Jesus, He will reveal Himself to you

  7. No body is actually sure about the existence of the god because of the absence of a proof.

    No, I can not admit the existence of a non existence.

    It is now upto you, whether you prefer to be a believer or a non believer.

  8. You can't prove or disprove it. Too many other choices too. I'll just settle with doing whatever the h**l I want.

  9.   There is only one best way to prove God to yourself that works for everyone.  .Read Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch.  .You will never doubt the existence of God again..Check out a library copy till you get you own..God bless

  10. A Tree needs a Seed to grow

    The seed didn't evolve

  11. Read the gospel of the flying spagetthi monster

  12. Well, there are proofs of God. Pray works too.

  13. He promised in the Bible, that He would give us His Spirit with gifts and power.

    Today millions of people have the gift of the Holy Ghost.

    Most have the Gift of speaking in unlearned tongues.

    But others have the gift of healing, prophecy or another gift.

    Check with the local Pentecostal and Apostolic churches in your area.

    Ask them if there is anyone there that can give you a word (prophecy) from God (or if you have a physical need ask if they have someone who can pray for that need).

    The gifts very from person to person. One person may only have the gift now and again, while others will have it all the time.

    The Gifts of healing vary also, some can heal one thing while another can heal something different.

    Tell them that you are wanting to know that there is a real God.

  14. Firstly, I would like to thank you for asking such an interesting and thought-provoking question.

    In answer to the first of your questions, you cannot be sure that god exists 'cause he probably doesn't, there isn't any evidence or proof so it's about as likely as unicorns or fairies at the bottom of the garden existing really, might exist but almost definitely not and there's no proof so you definitely can't be sure.And i think that answers the second question really, no i don't think that god exists because of the lack of evidence and there is nothing i have ever experienced, seen or heard that's made me think there's a god, but everyone's entitled to their opinion, personally i worship the flying spaghetti monster!!!!!!!!

  15. I'm Agnostic, but lean more towards Atheism. However no matter the outcome, I doubt any religion is right about God(s). Doesn't make sense how a doctrine could tell us of the supernatural. We live in a natural world, not supernatural.

    However I have not seen any evidence of God, so I currently say no, God(s) do not exist.

  16. Die

    Until then heed these words:

    Hbr 11:6 But without faith [it is] impossible to please [him]: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and [that] he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

    Here is the secret to eternal life:

    God uses the world and the flesh to separate the faithless from the faithful. It is all a test. If you want to live forever then you must believe. If you don't then believe as you will.

  17. You can be sure God doesn't exist.  

  18. "how can i be sure that God exists?"

    Which God(s)?

  19. You've got a mind, and you've used your mind to ask the question.  Having a mind (and a spirit) is what makes you like God.  If that isn't proof of something, then what is?

  20. Oh, bruther!  What in the world is this?  Someone actually asking if god exists...oh, no, the heressy!  And, of course, such a question has never, ever been asked before, particularly not on R&S

  21. You better try to summon a UFO or somthing shiitt...

  22. Jesus claimed to be the Son of God--that's why He was crucified. When he rose again from the dead--and this is a well documented hypothesis*--he proved that he was, indeed, God's son. Now, since he was dead, someone had to have raised him from the dead, and who could it more logically be than God himself?

    Each of us is responsible for the truth we possess. Those of us who have heard about Jesus and have rejected his truth are going to suffer more than those who haven't heard this truth, who merely knew there must be someone who ordered the universe but never bothered to pursue who that might be (see Matthew 11:20-24 for proof that there are degrees of suffering in h**l). So whatever truth you receive from having asked this question, sort it out and pursue it further, so you don't risk further judgment.

    Best wishes in your spiritual journey!

  23. Because you can feel him in you.

    I'm going to get 234142423 thumbs down by the outspoken atheist on here. But honestly when you are just in your everyday setting, praying or not I just feel this comfort with me and I know it's God. It's so hard to explain and I've been in a situation before thinking if he really exist.  

  24. you can't because god doesn't exist.


    Does God Exist – A Scientific Inquiry

    If it could be shown to you through solid and persuasive evidence that God created the universe and everything in it, would you believe it?

    Featuring an impressive cast of world-class scientists and scholars, Foolish Faith exposes the failure of mainstream science to answer the ever-present question of where we came from — unveiling a surprising store of controversial facts that support the existence of God, but are largely ignored by the media.

    Beginning with a fast-paced trail through the origins of the world’s major religions, followed by a provoking pursuit through the reasoning of modern science, this book’s easy-to-understand arguments will bring you face-to-face with seven tremendous facts that will propel you to rediscover the truth about God’s place in the world today.

  26. How can you prove He doesn't?

  27. to me he exsist and you would know that he dose by reading the bible and praying and he wakes you up in the morning heals you when you are sick gives you knowlege loves and cares for you god is evrything you just dont know when you go through stuff he brings you out and he can be your any and evrything just pray and he will work it out and show you the way to guide you GOOD LUCK

  28. there are NO proofs that God DOES NOT EXIST.

    God is real... 100%

    God Bless Us!

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