
How can i become Jamaican?

by Guest33684  |  earlier

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i live in the us but i want to become a Jamaican how can i.




  1. Poser. Lol just kidding. Become a Jamaican citizen.

  2. apply for citizenship to Jamaica.

  3. move to jamaica

  4. You can become a Jamican citizen.

    However, this will not make you "Jamaican"; being born there, and inheiriting/being infused with the Jamaican culture and language is what makes a "Jamaican"...

    There's a subliminal 'cultural identity' that comes with growing up and having the mind set of any particular culture - traveling and exposing yourself to other cutlures is a great thing to do  - but it does not change the molecular or DNA inheiritance.

  5. Jamaican Citizenship

    The Citizenship (Constitutional Amendment) Act 1993 provides as follows:


    Applications for naturalization should be directed to the:

    Ministry of National Security and Justice

    12 Ocean Boulevard

    Kingston Mall


    The Minister of National Security and Justice can grant certificates of naturalization as provided by the Jamaican Nationality Act of 1962. Prospective applicants must therefore satisfy the following specific criteria:

    (a) Residence in Jamaica for the 12-month period immediately preceding the date of the application;

    (b) During the seven years immediately preceding this 12-month period, residence in Jamaica for a total period of not less than 4 years;

    (c) Stated intent to reside in Jamaica if naturalization is granted.

    Further qualifications include moral and social considerations such as:

    (i) good character;

    (ii) involvement in society;

    (iii) contribution to society;

    (iv) financial standing.


  6. You may wait to die and if you will be a good hindu then you can come back to earth in the vision of a Jamaican.

    Another option would be listening to Bob Marley all the time and smoking...

    Colours of red-green-yellow need to be preferred...

  7. you will have to move to Jamaica and become a citizen.   but you will not be Jamaican.    If you like the Jamaican culture then you can like follow it if you want, but be sure to remember not all Jamaicans smokes.  

    yeah I love that i am Jamaican.   A Jamaica mi born and grow.

  8. almost the same way mexicans do it except you have to legally move to jamaica and become a citizen.   then just sneak into america and live tax free in my wallet.  then you'll be a jamaican in america.

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