
How can i become a army wives than more a girlfriend ? both of us in love but he scared im not?

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we been together for 16 months gone on 17 months and i feel that i ready and he the one i want to spend the rest of my life with i so in love but he want to get married but he just dont know how to propsal i been waiting he ask me every month but he havnt give me a ring yet what should i do




  1. Be patient and wait. That's probably the best thing to do. Don't rush him. He's probably trying to make it a really good proposal and ring. If he wants to marry you, he'll propose. And make sure that you're both willing to stay married (forever), "till death do you part". There's been lots of divorces these days...

  2. Get over it.  A marriage should only take place when BOTH parties are ready to freely commit their whole selves.  It shouldn't be happening because one was pressured into it by the other for some random reason.

    If he is scared then you should be supportive and allow him the time he needs to get over his fears.

  3. you guys are only together for 17 mo. don't rush. take everything slow and easy. maybe he doesn't give you ring because he know that you are soooo wanting to getting married. you might be ready but maybe he is not at this time. give him more time. if you love him, you can wait. when its right time he will ask you.

  4. Enter into an army marriage very carefully. It is a stressful lifestyle and many men that come back from the Middle East end up with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, this disorder was especially prevalent during the Vietnam War Era but now can be treated with therapy and medication. Some men that come back are forever changed and engage in activities they never would have before such as drugs and affairs. Best of luck.

  5. Let him ask you, say yes, and then let him take you to pick your own ring out! Tell him you want a durn ring! But if he doesn't have the money don't push it. If he really loves you but doesn't have the money, then he just doesn't.  Good Luck!!!!!

  6. Being an Army wife requires maturity. We have to be strong and capable. If he profoundly loves you he will wait until he can clearly see that you are ready for that challenge before he asks you to marry him.

    I see young Soldiers bludgeoned into early marriages by starry eyed young girls all the time. These girls then end up being left alone in MQ, hundreds of miles from home, without education, friends, a career or their husband much of the time. Usually they end up by having a baby quickly followed by pouring out their misery to the Families Officer, and going home.

    Concentrate on your own life. Improve your literacy. Learn some skills. Prove to him that you are the type of woman who will make him the kind of life that as a Soldier he needs. Then maybe he will want to ask you.

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