
How can i become a beter batter in baseball?

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How can i become a beter batter in baseball?




  1. Hard work and dedication along with training and listening to your mentors will make you better.

  2. i practice a lot which helps. i suggest you go near by batting cages which will help you aim and swing movement. also practice your 90 feet sprints to increase your agility in a tight run situation from base to base. go to the beach and practice sprinting so you can run faster between bases and also after a bunt. for practicing your swings go to sears and by ankle weights which also fit your wrists so that you build your upper body strength and swing with more speed so you hit the ball harder and with force for home runs and powerful hits.  also lift weights to build some upper body strength.  swing with the weights on your wrist and sprint with weights on your ankles to build more muscle. remember not to wear yourself out and not to injure yourself. Remember to have fun while playing because that the main reason why baseball is played  This is how i practice. Hope that helped.

  3. play in Coors field.

  4. practice and with a coach so u bat correctly too.

  5. practice makes perfect

  6. -hit off of a tee make sure the tee is in front of you thats where you want to make contact in front of home plate

    -hit golf sized wiffle balls with a broom this will increase your hand eye coordination

    -swing a heavier bat to increase bat speed but make sure its not too heavy that will ruin your swing

    -throw your hands at the ball

    -as your making contact pivot on your back foot that will give the swing more speed

    -talk to your coach

    -practice your swing 100 times a day break it down to 25 swings in the morning 25 afternoon 25 after dinner and 25 before you go to bed that will increase your bat speed

    -when your standing on the deck think about what you want to do and watch the pitcher so when you go up to bat you should think about that plan and that plan only if you think too much when your up to bat you wont do so good

    -tape yourself swinging and then watch to see what your doing wrong

    hope i helped and good luck

  7. baseball is boring.

  8. take steroids.

    no, im just kidding.

    practice makes perfect. also, it wouldnt hurt to have a coach help you out either.

  9. batting cages

  10. make sure you are loading before you swing

    keep your hands back, when you step/stride make sure you dont break your front leg, keep it as straight up as you can when you swing and keep your weight back. when you throw your weight over your front foot you lose a lot of power.

    film yourself in the cages and then watch the film at home so you can see with your own eyes what you are doing and see what you need to fix. its so much easier to fix something when you see it yourself.

    work on pitch recognition, and make sure you can go to the opposite field at will.

    this all is something you need to practice all the time to get better. theres no such thing as too much practice

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