
How can i become a better drawer? ?

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Every time I try to draw it looks like a little kid did it. Do you think drawing is something you can learn or do you think you can either do it or you can't? What can I do to be better?




  1. Vincent Van Gogh is a name that is famous in art history but when he began to work, his drawing were rough and crude. He made a conscious decision to work at it every day and did so 24/7. Drawing like most things are improved by effort and constantly working at it. I want to give you a little trick however, if you draw things from photos and it starts to feel like there is something wrong with it, turn both your drawing and the photo upside down. Your eye will be looking at it from a different orientation and you will be able to see things that you want to correct much easier.

  2. drawing is something you can learn! maybe youll never draw like picasso but if you buy a drawing book and practise you can draw just fine. I can give you a books name its called mastering the art of drawing by Ian Sidaway&Sarah Hoggett

  3. First of all. To have a wonderful drawing, you must also posses a wonderful imagination and bring it to life with the use of drawing it. It just takes time and patience. But never loose hope. :D good luck for you!

  4. I began drawing when I was five or six years old, everything I did looked funny I thought. Other kids seemed to be able to draw things that looked better than I did.

    Over time with the help of any books I borrowed from the library I taught myself to draw extremely well. I worked at it every day until I was very good at it. Teaching yourself to draw well takes many hours per day, draw everything you see, when you do not have live subjects, draw furniture, trees, pets, from photos, try reproducing things exactly. Use the instructions in the books to train your eye and your fingers to respond.

    Once you are able to 'see' everything in your subjects your fingers will be trained as well. I eventually studied art at college and it further trained me to be able to do it in less time and more accurately. I make a living as an artist now.

    So to finally answer your question, yes, anyone can draw well if they decide to, you have to devote yourself to it, its not something you are born with its something you eventually choose because you have to. It almost chooses you because you cannot live without doing it. Anyone can learn, its a question of will.

  5. Sounds like you love it... so just keep practicing... you will get better at it.

  6. Drawing is both something u can learn and something u can do. U can go to ur nearest bookstore and get books on how to draw or u can find some drawing technique books at the library. I have a friend who learned how to draw anime by tracing the characters in books then after she got too good at tracing, she started practicing drawing the characters freehand, she became really good at anime. Her characters look like characters out of an anime, but u can tell when the art is hers ;) With practice, u can become a good artist too.  

  7. in my opinion practise makes perfect! also u can get sum books n stuff were it teaches u how 2 draw things step-by-step, these really help!

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