
How can i become a better public speaker?

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i have a sort of strange see i am mostly capable in alot of aspects of public speaking...but i feel like something is missing.

i'm usually well informed on the topic that i have to talk about, i have good posture, i talk slow/loud/confidently/, i am able to give good eyecontact and present myself well...

it's just that i always feel like something is missing when i speak publicly. although i do present myself in a way that would be deemed 'confident' i still feel like i can't completely put myself out there. i still get really nervous and sometimes i cant completely convey myself, no matter how many times i've practiced. i have spoken infront of huge crowds but i am not as completely charismatic as other people i know who can just speak their hearts out...and i really desire this skill. i know it comes from practice and i am in a student council position where i do speak infront of loud crowds often, and i just want to become fully confident and charismatic. it's not even a matter of me being insecure infront of the crowd or being self conscious..idk....any ideas????




  1. you sound like your focusing too much on it, just relax

  2. Record yourself on video and critique your performance.  Then correct what you don't like.

  3. Join Toastmasters.. they all go there to learn to speak better in public. They meet once per week in the evenings and all people are there because they are insecure about speaking in front of others.. so they will all be supportive and eventually everyone will have to put their skill to the test and have one week to prepare a speech and then deliver it there.. it will be everybodys turn. It helped my husband to speek more easily at group meetings at work as he is an introvert.. now he can talk and he knows to look confident when he does.. You will not be judged you just go there to learn a better way of presenting yourself in front of a group of people you address with more confidence.. I would recommend to look up the Toastmasters website.. there must be one if you google it.. xx

  4. Firstly, read a lot of books; this will increase your vocabulary and make you more confident.

    Secondly, try to obtain positions in school such as class captain or council member (as you are).

    Thirdly, practice a lot, and take criticism.

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