
How can i become a dominant post player?

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I play basketball in a 7 and 8 grade leauge? I am 5''11'' going to 8th grade.. what can i do to become a dominant post player?




  1. Post moves, learn the Boozer bump, and learn close fade away shots.

  2. first of all, like everybody else's answer make sure you're getting stronger. Also work on going left and right. Try and play with good competition whenever you can. You play like the players you play with.

  3. work on your strength, that way you can just force your way down low, and hook shots are really hard to block. Being 5-11 is pretty tall for a 8th grader, so that will help you out.

    Hope this helps!

  4. u should get stronger (since ur a center u should always staydown low and shoot it of the backboard) u should lift weights (but not to much b-cuz u still growing and could stunt ur growth

  5. squat

  6. get stronger, dont push yourself to hard because your still growing, but lift some weights. And just work on some moves.. Perfect a couple moves, use them in games, then perfect a couple more.. things like drop steps, up and unders, and hook shots.. Also always try to get to the middle of the bucket.. that way you can go back to the side if they cut you off, or you can dish it out to a perimeter shooter for a three...

  7. work on post moves

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