
How can i become a flight attendant ?

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I am a 15 year old female living in Birmingham - UK. I just wanted to know if anyone had any tips on how to become an air hostess and how to make a good one? I have no other languages but i am tall and slim. Please help. ? ? ?




  1. do this..

    finish school..good grades...

    take nurse classes..just learn CPR have it on your refrence

    take swiming lessons.. get a certificate..make sure you can swim 20-30 meters

    then go to a commericieal airlines company..BA Ryanair ETC and complete forms ..if your lucky they will give you a course which will determine if your good enough.

    there you have it.

  2. The flight attendant requirements here in California is that you graduated from high school.

  3. You can page through a bunch of worldwide job openings on this website:

  4. Finish school and get some sort of customer service job so you have a background. You can find out if individual airlines are hiring by going to their websites. (example, Good luck! I know some flight attendants and they love their job, even though it's hard work!

  5. Search for flight attendant open house listings in the newspapers of larger cities, or check online with individual airlines for job opportunities and requirements.

    Step2 -- Understand that your competition will have at least a two-year college degree and customer service experience, and that many airlines now require both.

    Step3--Learn at least one foreign language if you plan to work for an international airline.

    Step4--Accept that you may have to relocate to another city at the beginning of your career.

    Step5--Be prepared to live on a reserve status for at least one year after your initial four- to six-week training period. You will need to be available as an on-call person, often on short notice. Advancement into regular assignments results from seniority, and the competition is fierce.

    Step6 --Expect to fly 75 to 85 hours a month and to also work on the ground. But realize that you will be paid for flight time only.

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