
How can i become a good fighter? i want to be strong and learn how to fight can someone please help me?

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How can i become a good fighter? i want to be strong and learn how to fight can someone please help me?




  1. I have been practicing tae kwon do for about 20 yrs now and I think if you want to learn to fight to protect yourself or to protect others then you should learn some kind of martial art but in my experience I think it is better to buy a gun like the Glock 26 and get a license to carry it,of course,you can do this only if you are over 21 and is not crazy or a criminal.

  2. The first thing you have to do is to find the guts to punch someone in the face.  If you can't do that, you will never be a good fighter.  My roommate been doing MMA training for the past year, but still up to this day he would not fight me.  After you have the guts to punch someone, then starting doing other trainings.  

    To be strong is easy all you have to do is weight train.

    To be a good fighter all you have to do is willing to throw a punch, and in a decent shape.  Most likely you can beat someone up, if they are not a pro fighter.

  3. Im only  a female and dont know to much about fighting any fight ive ever had I won because the other person just didnt take it there.  Before stregnth itself you need to build another type of stregnth it has to do with how you carry yourself and how others either feel your a wimp or they just dont go there.

    I have found this stregnth and ability works much better than fists and power when approached by someone looking to tango because they just dont like you. should you actually want to be lets say professional fighter I suggest you seek a professional coach and trainer who can get you to the place you need to be physically.  Mentally you can do yourself it comes from within  certain actions in turn cause others reactions or something of that sort.  Good luck

  4. Why? You are clearly in high school. Whenever you get a bit older you will see that you don't need things like that, and the guys bullying you will be the ones with the worse quality of life. Happened to me and you will see how useless they are in 10 years time.

  5. if you are trying to just learn how to fight find a guy close to you I would recomend MMa mixed martal arts I think if you are just wanting to learn how to fight that would be a good way to learn

  6. To be honest i highly recommend a punchbag. I know many people on here will say that you need people to teach you how to punch, but to be honest after constantly punching it you naturally grasp the technique and which ways cause the bag to get hit harder. Im 16 and got a punchbag a few months ago and from solely hitting it, my punch has become so much more powerful than the average person in my year. Although hitting a bag isnt the same as hitting a person or fighting, the ability to be able to punch quickly and extremely hard will really be useful when you are in a combat situation.

    Good luck mate!

  7. go to a gym and learn boxing..they will teach you the ropes

  8. I am a female pro boxer/kickboxer.  You have to want it.  Do some research in your area to find out if there are any boxing gyms or mma.  You will have to eat well, run 3-5 days per week.  Do strength training (not bodybuilding) and of course learn the skills.  It takes time.  If you want it don't let anyone tell you otherwise.  Here is a good strength training site You really need a coach or former fighter to learn the basics.  Good luck!


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