
How can i become a good vollyball player?

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i am going into 9th grade and i played in5,6,and 7th but, i have kinda lost my skills. i can set easy still bump kinda good but i really suck at spiking and serving. school starts soon and i want to play for school. i have all day to practice and i have no net to use though and i cant get one. please help




  1. No net no problem! You can use some yarn or string but what works best is to take a clothing line if you have one and hang towels over it that way you can practice everything from serving to spiking. Also do not worry about being good enough for the team! My sister coaches volley ball and I have played high school sports myself. If you show up ready to play and to do your best and not give up then you have a sure spot on your high school squad. Let your coach know about your prior experience and that you aren't the type of person to give up easily and you will do great! Good Luck!

    Net Height: Net height is 7' 11 5/8" for men and 7' 4 1/8" for women. Co-ed competition is played on a men's height net. The official height measurement is made in the center of the net. The height of the net at the sidelines can be no more than 3/4" higher than the official height. If you're playing on sand, the measurements are made with the sand raked level, and no accommodation is made for your feet sinking in the sand. If you're playing on grass, the measurements are made to the ground, and not the top of the grass.

    The dimensions of a volleyball court are 29'-6" wide by 59'-0" long, measured from the outside edges of the boundary lines. In addition, you should have 10' (more is even better) clear around the boundaries. The result is a complete playing area of 49'-6" wide by 79'-0" long.

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  2. Just do what you do baby

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