
How can i become a high achiever student?

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How can i become a high achiever student?




  1. remember this: "D-rop



                            R-ead. . ."

  2. Listen to the teacher/prof very well. It really helps a lot. You dont need to really study that hard to become a high achiever. Just listen and the answers to the quiz/exam is going to be there.!

  3. If you have to ask, then abandon any hope...

  4. By reading a lot.

  5. Study and work hard.

    Get plenty of sleep and eat healthy, nourishing foods.

    Try to work out what sort of environment suits you best for studying. Most people benefit from a quiet, comfortable environment with relaxed lighting (like a study or bedroom at home), but some people respond better to lots of stimulus ~ bright lights, noise and activity in the background. Yet others find it most helpful to work with a study partner. Think about (or test out) what *really* works best for you, and try to do most of your study in that type of environment.

    It's also helpful to practice some sort of meditation or relaxation technique, because anxiety and stress can make it hard to work at your best.

    Also, don't do drugs or drink alcohol ~ plenty of time to party after you pass your exams.

    The link below is about learning styles and might be useful as food for thought!

    Best wishes :-)

  6. Achievement falls within an essentially Gaussian distribution.  You will be inherently limited by inherent constraints.  If you are not near the 90th percentile on standardized exams, then you will be unlikely to perform at a high level on such exams.

    You can attempt to perform better on exams by adding a greater degree of diligence to your work in an attempt to enhance your marks.

    Please remember that academic performance (and performance on standardised exams, for that matter) is not a good predictor of future wealth or success with finding s**y women (modern Feminists being perhaps the sexiest of all).

    I wish you well.

  7. Reading and studying helps, but it's about organisation and making choices. The education system is primarily a game.

    Know your subjects, know what you're expected to learn and what to focus on for essays and exams.

    Intellect is mostly a gift, but average and above average can approach this through diligence and application.

  8. study longer and harder and listen more in lessons - be a swat

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