
How can i become a paranormal investigator?

by Guest44923  |  earlier

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i want to be a paranormal investogator and have a career involving the mysteries of the afterlife. i find it fascinating and i think it's a career i would love. how can i become a paranormal investigator?




  1. Study and learn everything you can about physics, astronomy and every other scientific field that interests you.  And while you're about it, always doubt.  Always question.  Always keep in mind that what you are learning is merely the composite of what others believed they learned, and are frequently mistaken and later rejected.

    Meanwhile, study the other sides of the issues, the ones you won't hear from scientists.  

    If you manage all that you might one day make a paranormal investigator, though you probably won't make a living at it.

    But you'll be prepared to make a living in other pursuits, and you can follow your inclinations toward the paranormal on the side if you wish.

  2. The closest you can get is pursuing parapsychology research (if you want this as a career)This can certainly include to some extent hauntings and examining the possibility of an afterlife.

    All full members of the Parapsychological Association are required to hold doctoral degrees and most have them in conventional sciences (medicine, physics, engineering, psychology, etc.). Most members work in full time teaching positions at universities and teach in their conventional fields of science. VERY few have university support and funding for their research.

    What area of the paranormal you wish to study and what approach you wish to take will determine what education you pursue. Do you want to study how paranormal experiences effect people's lives? then perhaps psychology. Do you want to study how objects can be effected without any known physical contact? then perhaps physics (especially quantum or theoretical).

    If you just want to experience what most paranormal investigators (amateurs) do then I suggest the 2ND link below to find a group near you and the two books listed below that I required all my investigators to read.

    If you join a group keep an eye open for what you think they do right and what might be improved.

    "How To Find A Ghost" by James Deem

    "The Paranormal Investigators' Handbook"  

       Ed. Valerie Hope

    The more you know...


  3. I don't know how much experience you have. Why don't you go visit towns that have ghost tours and talk to those people. ..the ones giving the tour and the patrons too. Carry a notepad with you and get names and phone numbers and email addresses of all the ones you can. Then, when you get can have contact with them..and then out of that you might eventually get put in touch with a group you'd like to work with in your area.First, you have to do a lot of research and learn all you can. Stay in this section and read all of the experiences on here.Also , go to Resolved Questions and learn all you can from the Q&As on there. Good Luck!

  4. I doubt very much if you would make a career out of it. As already mentioned, the vast majority of paranormal investigators (well, the genuine ones anyway) do it out of their own funds and get no payment for it. Of course there are people like the Most Haunted team who appear on English TV. They however are about as reputable and believable as rocking horse poo. ;-)

    If you seriously want to become involved in paranormal investigation, try Googling for groups near to where you live. Joining paranormal forums is also a great way of making contact with like minded people for help and suggestions. These links might help you get started with that...

    Hope this helps.

  5. Honestly want to become one??? I thought about it myself. I have followed TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) on TV and radio for 4 years now. They have what they call the TAPS family all over the US. Look up one closest to your area. I have one like 10 miles north of my city. They are all volunteer groups and take a scientific approach. Join their group and learn and get experience, meet people with the same interest. All investigators have had to start somewhere.

  6. Anyone can be one, if you want creditability , I suggest going to school for it, if anything you can kick out a book  At least you will have a degree. However only 4 colleges have the course.  In the study of the Paranormal.

    However as I said anyone can do it, but creditability. No one is going to let you on private property because you think its cool to do.  On top of that you need to learn everything there could possibly be on the subject start from there.

    Then once you have a good idea on the subject, hit public places to check out, historical areas,  Old ships, Forts , State Parks. etc. Don't go running around in cemetery's at night. Every place you do check out , you need permission unless its a public place during operating hours.

  7. You can take courses to become certified in Paranormal Investigating. Some courses are online, some are thru the mail. Just do an online search and find the one that is best suited for you. There are actual exams you take, but nothing to hard. Good luck!

  8. Since there is no legitimate method to certify paranormal investigators, all you have to do to become one is to say, "I am a paranormal investigator."

    However, if you wish to study paranormal phenomena, I would recommend you take a science degree as far as possible (i.e. PhD) and then investigate to your heart's content.

  9. I agree with the statements of others before, you will not make a living out of this field. There are very few who actually make enough money from writing books, but the paranormal is such a small market that it would be hard to make a living out of writing books on this subject.

    Speaking of books, you'll want to learn as much about this field as you can before jumping in. Read as much as possible about paranormal investigation as well as the field of Parapsychology. Loyd Auerbach is a name you should look for, he's been in this field for over 30 years and is a professional Parapsychologist and works with amateur investigation teams. His books will put you on the right path of understanding this field more than what you will find on the internet.

    Next, find local groups and ask to work with them. Work with more than one so you can see a variety in their approach,  beliefs and attitude toward what they do. There are so many copy-cat groups out there now that do what others do merely because they feel that's the right thing to do. Hopefully, you will find one that suits your needs and will allow you to persue this field as much as you would like to.

    To make money in this field (which is what everyone seems to want to do nowadays) is to educate yourself first. Possibly write some books as well as host training seminars and ghost tours. There are a handful of people out there who do all of these things together and seem to make a living out it, granted, the things they started this field out looking for have fallen to the wayside in their desire to live off of the field.

  10. I think that you have to be psychic in order to be a paranormal investigator.

  11. Just advertize in the paper or craigslist that you are one. There is no state license for such a thing so anyone can claim they are a paranormal investigator.

    Many people want to be told what to think, so make this your target audience.

    When you get a client, just make up stuff, whatever comes into your head, about their dead husband or dog or whatever. They'll believe you and then they'll pay you.

  12. Most paranormal investigators do so out of thier own pocket as a hobby. It isnt really a career field.

    If you want to eventually make it into a career, here is what you need to do. Start investigating paranormal claims. Really investigate, don't just assume everyones claim is paranormal. Also, don't get into pseudo-scientific concepts like unmeasurable energy fields, vibrations, chakras etc. These concepts are pretty much spent and only appeal to very ignorant new agers.

    Then when you have  a bunch of investigations under your belt and some cool material, write a book. Selling the book is where your income will come from.

    If its intelligently written and you really investigated the sites and claims, it should be very interesting and easy to sell.

    Good luck.

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