
How can i become a pilot when i have no money?

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i have got your answer.etihad airways donot give training for non UAE citizons.i am from india.i have heard that a fisherman's son have become a pilot of air india.we hav only one life.we have somany ambitions in our ther any respected agencies who sponsor students to become a pilot.or any airlines in india or complete this we want more money.if any airlines sponsor me to become a pilot i will work with them till my death.flying in aeroplane is a craze for me.i expect a positive answer from yahoo answers




  1. Close, if you can come up with $12,000 you may be able to make a career of it. In California, they have community colleges who will teach ground school classes cheap. They also have flight simulators that are free to use and the FAA allows up to 50 hours of sim time towards your ratings up to Commercial. Get with an inexpensive flight school and find a CFI who will teach you for $15 an hour. You will find one because they get to build time while they do it so even though its frowened upon, it can happen. Once you have your 225 hours, you can be the Instructor and build time on your student's dime till you get the time enough to get hired at a regional. I've thought about it but I can't see myself living the pilot lifestyle. Good luck though!

  2. Ask The Fisherman.

  3. What about the military?

  4. Here's a real-world example from the states.  I hope you find it helpful although I realize it might not apply in your situation.  

    Now, when you say "no money", can I assume you mean no savings?  Obviously you've got some kind of skills & ambition otherwise you wouldn't be reading this.

    My brother-in-law acquired his single-engine license while working as a police officer.  He then took a job as a flight instructor.  It was a painful pay cut, but within a year he had his multi-engine.  Seems like less than a year later (I could be misremembering the time frame) he was instrument rated with enough accumulated hours to qualify with a local airline.  Right now he's first officer on Embraer regional jets, soon to be captain (unless he falls victim to the price of oil).

    Good luck.

  5. you can do it!

  6. Well, you certainly have the ambition.  And I always say that's at least half the battle.  Keep plugging, and good luck.

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