
How can i become a prince???

by  |  earlier

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i know that i am related to nobility but i really want to become a prince or al least a duke and nothing else please dont put any stupid answers down. By the way i am related to Baron Goring, Earl Goring and Lord Goring please help??? can i buy it???




  1. Well,first you would have to have a s*x change op.

  2. You can't be a prince unless you're born into it.

    You can however, be a princess, if you kiss a toad.

  3. 1)  Talk an elderly, slightly demented princess into adopting you.  For example, Frederic Prinz von Anhalt (a. k. a. Hans Robert Lichtenberg, the son of a German police officer) is the 9th husband of Zsa Zsa Gabor.  When von Anhalt was 35, Princess Marie Auguste of Anhalt (1893-83) adopted him.  He married Zsa Zsa in 1986.

    2)  Marry a princess (as listed in the Wikipedia link):

    Question:  Why would you want to acknowledge a familial relationship to the infamous Hermann Goring?

  4. have money and enroll yourself in Bollywood for the rest of your life.

  5. just research and research and research your family tree

    look for some one to marry =] xx

  6. by going back a 1000 years

  7. you know something ?

    they sell island online.

    why dont you buy one of them and name yourself king instead ? :].

    i am serious.

  8. Change your name to Prince

  9. Become one of Michael Jackson' sons.  They are all named Prince.

  10. No.

    Your 2 options are marry a princess, or kill of everyone ahead of you in line to the throne up to the Prince of Wales.

  11. you must be born to a King or Queen as far as i know to be a prince...i don't think it is a title than can be bought ...but these days anything is possible

  12. You have to be born into royalty to be a prince.


  13. If you can find me a girl to love and that I can earn her love in return that she will break the spell. I will make you a prince of the royal order of cupid sir white golden

  14. A Prince? Are you retarded? Let's see, how many Kings are you descended from? To be a Duke or other major landowner you need to be given the title by the Monarch of whichever area you want the land in.

    It won't happen. Get over it.

  15. I am sorry, you have to be born a prince... tough luck...

  16. It would depend on where you wanted to be a prince.  In England, I'm thinking no, unless you married royalty, there are royals besides the princes that are in line for the throne.  In another country, you would have to marry in, as well, though some very poor countries may be willing to consider a price to call you prince.

    Also, I don't know if you're an American citizen, but if you are, you'd have to give up your citizenship to accept a title.

  17. My great grandmother was the Duchess of Carlisle.

    Her son (my grandfather):the Duke of Northumberland.

    Does that make me eligible to become a prince somehow?

    Well, you'd have to marry in (like Diana did) so it mattered that she had SOME status, but to become a royal royal...marry in.

    So where does that leave you?

    Um..g*y marriage?  (No, really, not to be a smart **** - who would you marry?

    I guess it ain't gonns happen.

    Perhaps consider buying an island, and declaring your own kingdom. (For real.)

    ....if you did something noble enough in life perhaps the queen would knight you, and tyou'd become a "Sir" (like Paul mcCartney)

    ...also if you are related to nobles, then maybe you ARE in line to be a Duke or which case killing those in line ahead of you, I must caution, is frowned on by those who keep people in cages for such behavior!

    ...I'd wikipedia it and google it and research it completely. You may have something a lawyer could help you with. (it may even include some property to inherit).

  18. It's not that simple. You have to be a part of the royal family to become a prince. You could marry a princess, but that won't assure you the title of prince. There are certain rules.

        Titles such as duke, baron, or earl are inherited; you can't buy it.

  19. You can't become a prince, sorry. You have to be in direct line of descent for the monarchy to be a prince.You also have to be an heir, an eldest son,to inherit  a dukedom. You are just related to an aristocrat.Perhaps,if you were a citizen of the UK you could perform some great deed that could earn you at least a baronetcy or a full barony.

    You can not buy an aristocratic title from the UK.

    Marrying a princess does not make you a prince;you may receive a courtesy title of earl,but you do not become royal.

  20. There are three ways but they are really difficult :

    1) By your own land and declare yourself King or Prince of that land (there actually is a guy who did that near america)

    2) Marry a princess

    3) Your mother can marry a king and the king can declare you his legitimate son which would make you a prince

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