
How can i become a stripper and should i?

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I really wanna be 1 cuz i gotta get money but my parents and famlily iz christian so i think they'll disapprove or disown me. Should i just keep it a secret? I'm not afraid and i got the body for it. I know the stripper moves i just don't know how to slide upside down the pole. Anyway what should i do?




  1. Dont every do anything that you wouldnt do for free.

    Look its going to stick with you for the rest of your life.

    No matter what its going to be there.

    Think about this really hard my brothers is a manager at a strip club and yeah they make good money.

    But being a stripper doesnt go away.

  2. Under 18, I would recommend to really think about it.  

    I pole dance for fitness at class, personal fun at home (my husband is all for the adventure) and plus, I think of it as a more dance art rather than "stripper" dance.

    so I am not saying this to diss strippers or degrade, but I feel stripping for money is not the right reasons that you are thinking.

    So much better oppurtunity out there.

    Think long and hard about the stripper world. There is a lot of info you do not realize of what strippers do and go through. There is lots of crime and lost of risk. Especially if one day you want to go into a professional career field at age 30, that strip club at age 18 can ruin that so quick.

    You can get followed, raped, get into drugs (hopefully you are not), do sexual things that some clubs around require (lap dances, sexual favors private parties or on the side etc).  Sometimes, girls fall into that by pressure or by force, or eventually, by choice (change of mind).  

    The younger and less experience, the more a girl will make a mistake. All in all, most results are not  positive in the end. I know many stripppers (Our pole dance teacher is a local stripper) and this is where I get my info.

    There is more to it than just "stripping off clothes".  Pole dancing takes extremly high amount of strength in muscle and practice. Every girl will bruise and I have the bruises to show from each class here in Vista (San Diego) just from a 1 hour class.

    If you have high speed internet, look it up on youtube of pole dance moves. (eventually I will get mine uploaded). What you see is not that easy to do. A lot of those moves, which I am currently doing, can take a few months to really get smoothly and sometimes, can take up to a year (up to 3 to 5 times a week of practice) to really get good.

    My pole cost $99 at Spencers. Not the right type of pole I need now, but it got me started.  The pole I need is a professional pole for $400. Which I will be soon trading so I can do more complex moves at home, not just in the studio.

    I say, when you come an adult, do it for fun and adventure. (sorry, not sure of your age, but I assume by your way of wording and worry of parents, you are a minor. Forgive me if you are not.

    You can find work and money else where with out being a stripper.

  3. A stripper is just one teeny weenie step away from being a w***e. I wouldn't want one, I wouldn't date one, and I wouldn't marry one. ..I might use her for the night and then throw her away. Is this the life you want?? You had better thing twice here. Once you gain the reputation of a cheap s**t will never regain your respect. Stop. Your own sake. Stop.

  4. If your seriously considering it... you will need shoes and clothing.  Checkout, my girlfriend is a dancer and loves their site (

    Good luck to you!

  5. You're confused; Gypsy Rose Lee never used a pole.

  6. no because then you'll be a nobody and you'll be useless.

    strippers are NOTHING and wont be anything.

  7. If you want to. I personally think the pole looks like fun. The dozens of married sleeze-balls...not so much.

  8. Don't do this for the money. Think about what you're doing, you will remember this for the rest of your life. Do you think you'll ever regret it? And there may be scary people there who might follow you- etc etc.

    I'm not saying that strippers are bad people, because I'm sure there are strippers who may be the nicest people you'll ever meet. So don't listen to the people who put them down.

    But, I still wouldn't suggest it.

    I really hope you don't.

  9. Noooooooooooo way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no!! dont!! how old r u u sicko!

  10. are you freakin kidding me?

    that sh*t is degrading towards

    women, what an effin disgrace.

    how about you stay in school

    and read a d**n BOOK.

    stop being so d**n ignorant.

    go ahead and hate, im just giving

    you my opinion. "i got the body

    for it" blah blah blah, you will soon

    be ashamed of it, do whatever you

    want but if you do get raped, you

    will regret it.  how can you even

    think about doing something like this

    there are sick pervs out there and

    sometimes these girls never come home.

    do me a favor and rent the movie

    The Flock.  then you'll see that you

    don't live in a perfect world


    dude, at least spell my name right.

    some women do it, because they

    have nothing better to do.  

    I'm telling you as of right now, you are

    only giving men another reason to disrespect you,

    once people find out if you become

    a stripper... they will never look at

    you the same.

  11. stop being a loser and get a job at Mcdonalds.

  12. Please, visit the clubs first as a customer.  Always look for clubs that offer things like security guards that walk you to your car, locked parking lots for dancers, and require all dancers to leave the club at a set time for safety.  Carpooling with other dancers home or having a friend or family member pick you up from work is also a good idea.  Most clubs have amateur nights and offer classes to beginners, talk with the management.  Also, there are many excellent websites that give tips to starting as a dancer. Do your research.  Keeping it from your family is your decision but realize if you work in a club near your family they will most likely quickly find out.

  13. Do if you feel you can make it?? it.

    My best friend was a stripper she told me a lot of has it's goods and bads but also keep in mind that it can affect you sometimes for the rest of your life and also it could affect you mentally, my friend thank god she's smart and also went to school because she unfortunately got hurt while stripping and she can't dance anymore........... but always have a back up, if you want to be a stripper go for it, if you have a strong minded attitude and you think you can do it, do it.........please remember don't let the money and that lifestyle take over you, keep a back up go to school......and remeber some career if you do go to school for it, you wont be able to work in certain fields too.....remember that and good luck on making a good choice ;)

    please don't make bad choices because just like my friends says it has it's goods and bads!

  14. The answers above me honestly made me giggle, but I have to agree with them: Stay in school and get some other job. By the way you express yourself you don't seem to have the maturity to make the right decision.

    And before you think that I'm just like those arrogant people above, I'm not. I'm a "stripper" with several college degrees that I can fall back on whenever I'd like to. Usually, I'm all for giving girls like you advice on whether or not they should become a dancer, but people who can't even give a coherent reason as to why they want to strip, aren't meant to strip. Naive girls like you who think stripping is a piece of cake and who don't bother getting a degree to fall back on when they can't dance any more are usually the ones who end up addicted to some kind of substance, sexually assaulted, or prostituting for a couple of bucks.

    Hiding it from your parents and keeping it a secret from everyone is another sure sign that you lack any and all maturity to make the decision of going into the adult entertainment industry.

    Stripping isn't the disgusting, horrible, degrading monster that some people would like to believe it is, but it's not the safest work to do - you'll encounter drugs and prostitutes and you'll have to make mature decisions. I'd like to think I'm a fairly bright girl and I absolutely love my job (yes, folks, I pay enough taxes to consider it a "real job"); I'm not promiscuous, I've never done drugs, I don't drink, and I'm not money-hungry. I dance because I love dancing, and that's that. But, I'm one of the few.

  15. I think you should read the book Ivy League Stripper by Heidi Mattson. She was a stripper who went to Brown. You might want to keep that info to yourself. You know your parents better than I. And as far as you going "down the pole," that phrase just writes its own dirty jokes. lol Good luck and post a link so I (a strip club patron) can see what you're working with.

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