
How can i become a vampire psychic and how can i see a person's aura?

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is it true that if you want to drain a person's energy first you must meditate?




  1. Everyones method of 'seeing' an aura might be different from anothers. Some claim to see colours, others ripples like heat haze, others only in their minds eye or even just impressions and the last is not necessarily weaker than the first. Concentrate on your own aura first, develop it and strengthen it, fake seeing it until you actually can.

    If you feel uncomfortable with the 'fake it until you make it' idea I give you one of the first rules of energetics - 'Energy follows thought'.

    Meditation and thought-focusing exercises are your best friend, creative visualisation and breath control can move the aura, not only of yourself but of others.

    There are enough clues for you without explicitly stating what must be done.

  2. about the first question :

    I hope it's just a (bad) joke.

    if you're really interested about seeing the aura read all you can on the research made by Baron von Reichenbach.

  3. Read:

    The Secrets Of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel: The Alchemyst

    The Secrets Of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel: The Magician

    by Michael Scott. It includes auras and vampires..

  4. the way to see a person aura is different for everyone else. I try to be relaxed when I have to meet someone before hand, but if I meet someone one the spot it's a lot easier, because barriers have not been set and people tend to be more laxed about their feelings when meeting someone new; whereas when you schedule a meeting with someone that person has prepared themselves to see one way. I look to the side of a person's face because the eyes are located there and it's an easy way to get around the barriers.

    Basically everyone feels the aura, but few see it. That "gut feeling" you get, that's the subconcious feeling the aura.

    Draining energy from someone no that I don't know.

  5. it is an impossability

    as for vampires they do not exist

  6. Most people would be offended if you asked to see their aura. Especially if they have just had surgery.

    Then, you get the random wacko that will gladly show you their aura. I think it all has to do with what part of town you are in.

  7. Close your eyes really REALLY tightly, and tell yourself over and over "Thousands of years of medical science and investigation is wrong, thousands of years of medical sicence and investigation is wrong".

    You may be 'real' but you're still crazy. This isn't possible without a number of psychotropic drugs.

  8. Stop smoking dat weed!

  9. Remember that some people are experienced in psychic self defense. Don't be so bloody rude and eat before you leave the house.

  10. WTF are you going on about?!?

  11. well  i will ancer you searousely

    1. a aura is a energy that comes basicly from a persons breath and the inner emotions affect the breath and give you that aura so if you really wanted to takes someones energy that way try and find a sorta pendent with a spell on it, but that would go deep into magick (oh also that would be dark magick ), you can see a persons aura is you really wanted to it is a hard task i bealeve it would take a few years of training and meditation, if i recall correct.

    oh and some one else sorta asked the same question

    and if i were you i would look for ecxercises online for aura seeing and stuff like that

  12. Seeing is only one way of perceiving an aura. Some people don't see a person's aura, but instead smell, or sometimes "read" what they're about. Like most esoteric techniques it practice, and trial and error.

    As a magican/druid I recon to access any source of energy all you have to get a "handle on it", and then "order it" to flow in the direction you want it put to (as such you are simply directing the flow and never actually possess the energy anyway!). Numerous traditional ways of obtaining a handle include getting hold of physical objects associated with the energy "donor", but a strong/effective visualisation will often be sufficient. Again this takes hard work

    As to draining energy from people, Whats the point really? with a little thought I'm sure you should be able to find sources of energy which are far more reliable in quality and quantity. If you take energy without permission, and are caught in the act, then it'll more than likely you'll get given a heap of "bad" energy (that the person actually wants rid of) which at the very least will give you "psychic food poisoning".  Perhaps try going out into nature, and doing "a deal" with it. You'll find the energy got from nature is much more potent/abundant than that humans can provide

  13. 1. How can i become a vampire psychic:

    2. and how can i see a person's aura?

    There are lots of books out there that can teach you to see a person's aura.

    3. Do you feel attracted or repelled to some person without even knowing them?

    Yes, we are connected by subtle energy to all around us. The Psi-vamp takes advantage of this fact to utilize this energy connection in whatever way they desire.

    4. is it true that if you want to drain a person's energy first you must meditate?

    No, meditation is not a prerequisite for 'feeding'. However, meditation does help one to become more focused in the early stages of vampyrism. ie. when one is just learning or beginning to walk the path. More experienced vamps tend to require no more than a moment's focus to begin the process.

  14. are u for real?? lol

  15. First try something easier like telekinetic bowling.

  16. You can kiss my aura.

  17. adsa

  18. Hi G!!  Well I agree with Sweet An.  She is right only some "see" auras.  Most feel it.  It's a feeling you get about a person when you meet them.  For example:  He made me feel uncomfortable, I don't know why, something creepy about him." or "I can't explain it i just trusted her right away, I felt as if I had known her forever."  Those are in my opinion auras.  As far as draining someones energy got that mastered (pun intended!) lol

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