
How can i become an actor ???

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hey i'm a 14 year old male looking to persue an future job in acting..... but i have a few problems.

i am very nervace ... can anyone help me overcome this???

how do i find an agent??

how do i get into acting school???

last year i done an half hour play of romeo and juilet and when i looked in the audience i saw people laughin. i don't know if it was me or what but it got me all upset...

i was romeos dad

any help?






  1. hi i wanna become an actress aswell but i go on google and then i say i want to be an actress in london and i need auditions and then they will give you lots of things but you have to say you want to act a teen movie i hope i helped you i love you all lilgraceyci

  2. the is no easy way into the "bizz"

    my suggestion will be join your school's drama club if it has one

    also join a local theatre club i'm sure this is one most places have them

    get as many years and as many shows under your belt as possible then when your old enough apply for some drama schols and go for it

    finally when your old enough join the equity acters union, it is worth it

    my advice on your three things

    1) Just perform more and more you will get more use to being on stage we all get nervous

    2) an agent will probs come for you if you get into a drama school

    3)work really hard and give it everything, to be this good you need natural talent and hard work

  3. Dear Mr Montague.

    Your friends in the audience were all your own "inner" Capulets, out there to give you a very bad time, projected onto the faces of the audience. You cannot know that they were not simply enjoying the show, or laughing at something else, so DO NOT be put off.

    As for Nerves.... They go with time, and practice.

    So the thing to do is get LOADS of practice, of public speaking, talking in groups, at parties, at any occasion where you can. Join local amateur dramatic groups and get up on stage at EVERY opportunity. MAke the stage your home. Join some choir and sing (great for the VOICE) and good for more stage experience.

    Join a local youth theatre group, and GET experience.

    Hang out at some church and offer to read a prayer or two (GET experience).

    Borrow a vid camera and play around and put yourself on youtube or just watch yourself playing parts.

    Just keep going keep going keep going.

    As for Drama schools....mmmm

    (i) If you can't get in, (and possibly better than doing so) try going to lots of weekend or week long workshops in lots of different things like drama, mask, dance, clowning, storytelling, puppetry, fooling, acting, and so on.

    To find workshops: Google eg drama workshops (your area).

    that way you can put together your own training and follow the sort of specialism that interests you. e'g stage acting rather than tv acting.

    (ii) Consider that you might be able to put on YOUR OWN shows (solo or with others), either by using  scripts that you can borrow from a good local performing arts  library (or buy them) or even.....dah dah dah WRITE your own. You may not be a Shakespeare yet, BUT JAMES, that's what HE did. He went to no drama school. And YOU CAN DO IT. Just remember those 4 magic words. All else is secondary.


    Capulet (Senior) denied (to himself and his son) that his son could follow his dreams (Romeo's union with Juliet is a metaphor, a code, for one's inner union with one's own inner creative genius). So it's up to you to let go of that character you took on for that show, and now become the character that he became on seeing the death of his son at the end. i.e. He repented crushing his own child's dreams and he shook hands with the enemy.

    Your enemy is the part of yourself that tells you that you can't do it, and it sometimes has a face that looks like those people you saw laughing at you out there.

    Try playing those hostile looking people (in a mini play) and , or write a miniplay about them (and you)  off the top of your head, and see where it goes.

    Have fun

    ENJOY being a STAR.

    Accept attention.

    SHINE James. Shine.

    Only YOU can ever shine like you do, and if you don't get up and do it, something totally unique will have been lost to the universe (man!)

    Oh and by the way, read some good books, like "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron.

    See you out there sometime.

    Check out (i) Jonathan Kay (uk) and (ii) The Father Monologues. (uk)

    All the best


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