
How can i become happier??

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ok im usually a real tomboy but lately ive beed VERY depressed like in the past year my stepdad left,and now my mom wants to sell our horse:(i love the horse and id rather starve then sell him:(

how can i become happier

ohh yeah i figured that my best friend/crush is dateing some ****:(

please help

im 15 and i cant handle all this

is it okay to cry in times like this??




  1. Of course it's okay to cry when things get hard! You should NOT bottle up your emotions.. let it all out. Find a friend or a relative you trust and talk to them. Talk to your mom about the horse. Maybe if you explain to her how much you love that horse you she will consider keeping it. Your stepdad leaving is terrible... but if hes going to be a jerk then yall dont need him around anyway. And about your crush... dont dwell on him! There aare going to be so many other guys that will treat you way better than a guy who will settle for some ****. (he will probably catch something from her anyway lol) Although things seem like they are at their worst... it will get better. There is always a light at the end of a tunnel... just keep your head up and smile. Cry if you ned to cry...and yell if you need to yell. It will get better trust me!! *hugs*

    EDIT: if you start to feel overwhelmed at school  ask to go to the bathroom... lock yourself in a stall and cry if you need too. Or if you dont wanna do that then try to think of something that makes you happy. Or just throw yourself into your school work.

  2. Do you have a best friend or sister that you can talk to? I think that telling someone how you feel may help you deal with the issues that your'e dealing with right now.

    Good luck to you!

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