
How can i become really good at running?

by  |  earlier

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I am not the fastest runner, but i would really like to gain muscule and become good. What are good ways to start out without joining a team?




  1. Here is a way that is pretty easy, it is designed to avoid injury and gradually allow your body to improve, but you have to stick with it:

    Most people are too concerned with how far they are running, when you are starting out, that is not important. What is important is to be able to keep your body moving for a long time, eventually, as your body adapts to the stress, you'll become faster and find the running easier. This is based on a three day cycle, with a day off separating each cycle. So here goes:

    Day one: run for 20 minutes. That's it, just 20 minutes. It does not matter where you run or how far, just keep going for a solid 20 minutes.

    Day two: Run for 20 minutes, but do not run the same route as the day before, because you'll naturally want to run just as far and you have to try to forget about distance, time is all that is important.

    Day three: Run for 20 minutes again. But again, do not run the same route as the first two days. Run just how you feel. (sometimes you will feel great and run further in 20 minutes than other days, but the important part is to run for the full time.)

    Day Four: Day off.

    Day Five: 20 Min

    Day Six: 25 Min

    Day Seven: 20 min

    Day eight: Day off

    Day Nine: 25 min

    Day Ten: 20 Min

    Day 11: 25 Min

    Day 12: Day off

    Day 13: 25 min

    Day 14 25 Min

    Day 15: 25 Min

    Day 16: Day off

    Day 17: 25 Min

    Day 18: 30 Min

    Day 19: 25 Min

    Day 20: Day off

    Day 21: 30 min

    Day 22: 25 Min

    Day: 23: 30 Min

    Day 24: Day Off

    Day 25: 30 min

    Day 26: 30 Min

    Day 27: 30 Min

    You see the pattern? Just keep it up until you are able to run 3 days in a row for 45 min each day. After that point you will be ready to incorporate some long distance and some speed work. Best of luck to you - John


  2. To improve as a runner there are many things you can do:

    Cross train - cycling, swimming, soccer, kayaking, yoga, etc. at least 1 day/week

    Run- 3-5 days/week, depends on your fitness level.  You can start with 3 days/wk and slowly increase to 5 days/week over 6 months.  Best not to increase too much too soon.  This can cause injuries such as shin splints/runners knees/muscle fatigue, etc.  Vary your runs 1 day do hills, the other speed, and another a long distance.

    Slowly build up your mileage no more than 10% per week.

    Write a journal - record your mileage/time/how you feel/sports drink that works - doesn't work, etc.  This will help you to keep motivated and to see how you've improved as a runner.

    Join a running club (not a team) at your local running store - very motivating and informative and sometimes get discounts too.  Most running clubs are quite social and have lots of fun togeter.  After a club run, going out for a beer or coffee/breakfast etc.

    Over time your will improve as a runner, gain muscle, become leaner, faster and to enjoy it.  It takes committment and smart training.

    Good website for lots of information:

    Good luck and run happy.

  3. Well, apart from working out, the best exercise for running is running!

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