
How can i become vegan? (already vegetarian)

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i know that means no eggs/things that come from milk

can you please list some things that might surprise me by having dairy/egg in it

ex: do sodas? juice? chips? fries? ecttttt




  1. If you plan on becoming vegan, there are some things that you should know.

    If you search online for a list of animal derived ingredients on Yahoo or Google, there are at least a couple of pages that are sure to come up but veganism is not about religiously studying an endless list of ingredients. If you start reading the ingredients on everything you buy, you're sure to see if it contains milk or egg ingredients.

    The goal of veganism is to contribute to as little suffering as possible and eventually reduce what suffering there is. You are more than welcome to memorize that long list of ingredients as I have done but your extra efforts have little effect on the world we live in.

    If you are not taking a B12 supplement regularly, you should be. Most people eat meat, dairy AND fortified cereals yet still have a B12 status that is lower than recommended. Vegan sources are available since B12 is made by bacteria, not animals.

    Bread, pasta, cereal, rice, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies can easily provide everything else.

    If you have any doubts, however small, that a vegan diet has all the potential of any other diet, please visit the following links.

  2. gelatin

    also you will want to stop wearing animal products like silk or wool.

    Some restaurants fry in lard so watch out for that.

    i forgot honey.

    since you are giving up dairy your good.

  3. dude thanks soo much for this question i wanna turn vegan too.

  4. Vegan goes further than also means you use no products taken from animals (leather, suede, bone, hide, skin, gelatin) Many mundane food products have some sort of animal product in them....the safest way to be vegan is to shop at a health food store, buy products that are labeled as vegan, eat whole grains, beans for protein, soy products etc. Broth or consomme is still considered meat, most any kind of yougart, except soy....There are some good vegan magazines devoted to enlightening those who are interested....usually have to go to one of the larger book stores, borders, barnes and noble to find them....also check your library for books on vegan....again, there is much more to it then the food...

  5. you cant eat most candy like gummy ****, chocolate of course. no starburst, most drinks are good but some fuze have milk =[ oh and the drink rockstar! i was pissed no fries from mcdonalds either. oh and theres also a helpful site heres the link......

  6. vegan means you don't use wear test eat any animals or animal by-products.

    for products that test on animals

    those who don't

    um the few i remember and boycott pantene , covergirl, unilever, johnson johnson and mars (thats right the chocolate brand head to ) oh hold on you don't eat chocolate.

  7. geliten, gum, cake, any frosted items, jello and stuff like that, and ya if you want full details then you should refer to the religious web sited of jainism, a religiong found even before buddhism and is totall vegetarian.  

  8. The Vegan Society, the Vegetarian Resource Group, and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, among others, recommend that vegans either consistently eat foods fortified with B-12 or take a daily or weekly B-12 supplement. Fortified breakfast cereals are a particularly valuable source of vitamin B-12 for vegetarians and vegans.

  9. cheese, brownies(eggs) cake(eggs) and many other pastries and ice cream(milk) and you can't use animal by products such as leather and fur and scrambled eggs

  10. well vegetarian means not to eat things that come from animals....

    vergetarian people feel mercy for this animals therefore they try not to eat anything realted to animals...

    also some vegetarian are doing this coz it is healthy...

    so anything realted to animals u shouldnt eat ...

    for example





    5-bread If done with egg

    6-Cake coz it is done with egg

    so anything u eat  try to know if it come from animals or not.....

    for example rice is vegetarian , macaroni also ...

    so not only vegetables & Fruit

    But if u seeks to be health as u can

    try to avoid to low qty of this stuffs to....

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