
How can i bilittle myself?

by  |  earlier

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how can i get myself to feel shy, just lose confidence, self amiration, etc.




  1. I'm not sure I understand your question.  Confidence is a good thing.  Belittling oneself is a bad thing.

    If you mean that you come across as being arrogant or s****. sometimes, just refrain from bragging on yourself so much...if that's what the problem is that you're referring to.  Again, I'm not sure.

    Be yourself.  One thing you might do though, is to recognize strengths in others and point them out more often, if you don't do that.  If all you do is appear to love yourself, but not others, maybe that could create a problem.


  2. Why do you want to do that? You should never belittle yourself. There is genuinely nobody around to sympathise for us and boost our moral. If we don't elevate our selves no one else will be interested to do that. In fact most people around us want to criticise, and if we accept it further bury us. So never ever attempt to degrade yourself, as it will ultimately lead to your downfall.  

  3. Keep asking stupid questions and people will do that for you. =)

  4. Are you into BDSM? there are sites for that. whips and handcuffs maybe?

  5. Why would you wanna do that?

  6. really, why the heck would you wanna do that?

  7. I dont know why would U wanna do that ,

    anyways I think , seeing negative points in Urself is enough

    can U plz answer mine:

  8. Just get hooked on drugs.

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