
How can i boost my self esteem and be less shy by September?

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I am really short. IM 4 foot 9 (4'9") and im going into 11th grade.

So i am really shy with guys cuz i dont think they like girls that short.

Not only am i shy with guys(mostly) im shy with everyone so i dont have alot of friends.

Tips plz?




  1. Getting a job that involves interacting with different people could give you the confidence you need. Joining a club or sport team. I think that anything like this would let you overcome that. Just because your short doesn't mean your less of a person.Tall isn't necessarily beautiful. Be grateful for who you are because some people would be very happy being in your shoes. I have to admit that i've been attracted to short statured ladies too and im taller than most people. So don't let that bother you:)

  2. As I have said to the previous posting, Look at yourself and think what it is you feel you need to change about yourself - If you make sure you are clean, tidy, speak politely and dont do any harm to anyone then you cave much to be confident about.

    Dont feel that anyone else is better than you, they may be more educated, or financially better off, perhaps can afford better clothing, but at the end of the day, these things are only materialistic - it is your personality that is most important. Speak to people as though they were on the same level as you (because really they are) And ask yourself why do I not feel confident in front of this person / these people. If they criticise you, then they are not worth your time. You are yourself, you are knowledgable, self worthy and have no reason to feel beneath anyone else in this world, not even the queen of England.

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