
How can i break my elbow?

by  |  earlier

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like, in the house, or just, by myself.

i have a REALLY good reason

and, no matter what any of you people say, I'm going to do it!

but, i was wondering if anyone knew of any fast/easy ways of doing it!

so, please.

and no stupid answers!

and please no answers about me getting help and go see a doctor and stuff.

because i know!





  1. put your arm on the table so your elbow is facing up get somthing heavy and drop it on your arm

  2. u know the wall .   _|     <--- its like this right? use ur elbow and smash it on the sharp point . if u dun fear pain .

    i hope this is not a stupid answer ><

  3. Hey are you CRAZY???

    Anyway if u want to harm yourself(I don't know the reason why) why don't you fall off stairs or fall while skatboarding(if u have one).....I saw it on VIDEO ZONKERS!!!!!


  4. I can't imagine why anyone would want to break their elbow or any other bone.   NO REASON COULD BE GOOD ENOUGH.

    What do you hope to achive from this other than excruiating pain.  

  5. The world is really weird.  Normally if people are in pain, they ask for help.  But those who are fine are asking for trouble.  Really stupid. Dont you have anything better to do?

  6. Are you kidding me?  There is no pain like bone pain.  I think maybe you should check into seeing a shrink, because I think your problem may be deeper than you think!

  7. No stupid answers? I'm so tempted to say 'If you ask a stupid question...' Oh look I just did.

    There is no really good reason to break your elbow.

    You are obviously trying to avoid something or think that this is the best solution to a situation. And you are right if you have made up your mind, no one can actually stop you.

    I can't recommend any fast/easy ways - all the ones I know are difficult and painful.

  8. youre an idiot. no question about it. Ive broken many bones in my life and I would NEVER do it on purpose. get a life

  9. fall off a trampoline and land with your arm on the ground first and it should break backwards

  10. My mom broke both of hers by climbing up a pear tree to pick fruit and falling out of it onto our porch and landing on both of her elbows...

    Can't imagine why anyone would want to do that though, she couldn't even wipe her own bottom for weeks, let alone dress herself!


    try smashing it against a doorframe?


    what a weird question.

  12. Why not a stupid answer?  It would go so well with a stupid question.  Are you trying to get revenge on someone?  Or get their attention, or sympathy?  This is not a good way to do that, you know.

    And you realize that this will be INCREDIBLY painful, don't you?   And that you may be risking the proper function of your arm for the rest of your life?  What happens if a chunk of broken, jagged bone severs a nerve, and your arm is paralized for the rest of your life?  What happens if that bone cuts a vein or artery, and you bleed to death?

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