
How can i break my kid from her passie with out her screaming for it all the time?

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i try but everytime i do then i will come out of the rest room and some one will give it to her after i tell them not to how can i get her where she wont scream for it she has 4 teeth




  1. the pacifary works. Just giving a heads up.

  2. Tell everyone in your family not to give it to her and just tough it out with her screaming.

  3. Maybe she's not ready to give it up? With my children, it's like potty training... when they are ready they will give it up.  Now, my kids have both given it up at age 2 completely, which is ok by me.  They gave up daytime use around 18 months.

    I would start just by completely going cold turkey during the day, and giving it to her at night.  Every child is different though, and that is what worked with my kids.  

    Let her help you throw it out, and say ewwww, nasty passie, that way when she screams fofr it  you tell her she threw it out because it was gross and she's a big girl now.  I'm assuming your child is big enough.  

    If not, I don't know how to break an infant from it.  If you just take it away, eventually they will forget!  You'll have some stress and heartache in the meantime, but eventually they do forget!!!  Good luck!

  4. well, she will screm for a few days. how old is she? if she is old enough to understand, you can try telling her shes a big girl and dosent need a paci anymore. i recommend throwing them all away or putting them on a closet shelf or someplace where she cant see them. there is no point in teasing her and also if she dosent have any pacis then nobody can give it back to her. good luck...

  5. I had the same problem with my daughter. She was about 2 1/2 and she still needed it. She soon needed to start preschool so I decided to take it from her. She cried, screamed, kicked and everything else you can think of but after a few days she got over it. So I would sugguest just taking it from her and getting rid of all the ones you might have around the house. That way you and anyone else in the house will not be tempted to just give in and let her have it again. She's going to cry for it but just let her, she'll get over it in no time.

    Good luck!

  6. Ok well if there is no passie no one else can give it to her. It's one of those things you just have to live through. Let her scream for it.

    Or you can just slowly ease them out of her life. First no passies when up and walking around, then no passie for naps, then no passie for night time. Either way she will for at least a while scream for them.

  7. I'm afraid you have to let her scream until she eventually gives-up.

  8. From an episode of Supernanny...I learned about the paci-fairy!  I've seen it done 2 different ways.  1)  Explain to the child that there are babies that need pacifiers and that the paci-fairy delivers pacifiers that big girls don't need any more.  Then, together,  you put it into a big envelope and take it to the mail together and tell her that the next day she will get a surprise from the paci-fairy.  Then of course you need to put glitter and stuff and a little surprise an a big envelope and put it in the mailbox (without the child of course) and then later you two will go check the mail and the paci-fairy left the surprise!  Then when/if she cries for it tell her that she's a big girl now and the paci-fairy took it to a baby that really really needed it.  Option 2)  Almost the same thing except you tie the pacifier to a bunch of balloons and send the pacifier up to the paci-fairy....I guess you could still do the envelope treat thanking the child for the pacifier from the paci-fairy....


  9. slowly take it away only using it at nigh time, and replacing it with a blanky or animal for security and comfort. maybe even dipping it into lemon juice very bitter and set it down and every time she sits it down dip and she is not going to want that awlfull taste eventually leaving it alone. but don't tell others about the juice or the may wash it off.this and another form of security should do the trick.

  10. I think babies need pacifiers but never one day over a year old. I hate to have adults translate what their child has said to me with a paci in her mouth. I always tell kids I can't understand and they have to speak to me with out it.

    We did several things. First get rid of all but one. My oldest threw his off a bridge into the water because he was a big boy. Later we had to remind him what he'd done but he got over it quick.. Over a month my grand got hers whenever, to nap time, car seat time and bedtime, then bed time and gone. A friend was having a real tough time with his baby and we cut the rubber end with scissors so it didn't feel right to her. That worked quick.  Good luck

    Our doctor says none of his patients took theirs to college with them.

  11. stop giving it to her... that is the only way for her to not want it.... the screaming will happen for a few days but she will get over it.

  12. You can get rid of all of them and it won't be an issue.  It's a security thing at this point.  Try substituting a favorite stuffed animal when she cries.  She'll learn to soothe herself.

  13. Just take it away, sure she will scream for it, but after a couple of days she will learn.

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