
How can i bring my girl from Texas to California without immigration checkpoints?

by  |  earlier

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My girl just came to the U.S.A. but entered thru Texas, and i am livining in CA. please help me and tell me how i can bring her to CA, my biggest fear is she getting caught by immigration and send her away again. I was planning on having her travel on the Grayhound, but please somebody tell me where she needs to go without risking getting caught my immigration. I will thank you very much.




  1. So you want us to tell you how to aid and abed in someone breaking the law? Not very smart, especially on a public forum.

  2. Listen Buster, i hope you biggest fear comes true.


  4. Have her go back to Mexico and apply for a visa at the consulate. Surely you can pay the fees and you can be her Sponsor. Then buy her a plane ticket so that she can arrive at the correct destination. It isn't that difficult, all it takes is a little cash and a little paperwork and it costs much less then hiring a Coyote. The traveling is safer and more comfortable too. The worse case scenario is that you start a business in Mexico and the U.S. and make her a partner and then she could come and go under NAFTA rules. I question the intelligence of illegals because of all of the legals ways that are available for people to want to enter and stay in the USA

  5. I hope she gets caught and hope you go to jail buster.  The audacity of your question p*sses me off.  People like you are destroying this great country. Respect our laws and customs or get the h**l out.

  6. well if she is Ilegal then first she should go back and go thru the process.  It is people that dont come here the right way that makes it difficult for the rest of us who are trying to get a husband into the country!

    Now if shes not, and she came here legally, then theres nothing she has to go thru and can travel with no worries

  7. u r aidin n abetting a person in th commission of a crime.  u r even plottin to avoid checkpoints.  If u r a citizen u will go to jail n she will b dported.  U r helpin transport an illegal through state lines.  U will go to th federal penetentiary in Yuma AZ.  Byond this u put this on Yahoo for all federal agents to see.

  8. well let me tall you.. you can have someone drive her to California and their is no checkpoints on the way over their but just make sure who ever is driving do it safe so that she can get their as soon as possible and don't worry a lot it's going to be OK good luck!! and all of this Hatters need to **** off if all y'all gonna do is talk ****!!

  9. you

  10. What immigration check points?

    You know you're GF is a serious problem right? I hope you get caught!

  11. The lowest risk route is to take a bus to Amarillo then straight to LA.  Check points are typically 20 to 25 miles from the border so you want to stay as far North as practical.  That said there is always a risk she will be caught and deported.

  12. So basically you want us to help you and your girl break the law and disrespect our country? I don't think so and I hope you both get caught.

    You can't avoid the check points by the way.

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