
How can i build and tone my muscles?

by  |  earlier

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i am 5' 3' 160

what should i eat?

how much and what cardio can i do?

what exercises and how much weight should i use to tone my muscles:

Biceps, triceps, and forearm?

pecs,abs and obliques?

quads, calves (hamstrings?)?

and back?

Most of all, i would like to tone my muscles.

Thank you!




  1. weight lifting in addition to cardio and consume a lot of protein

  2. Cardio=Slightly toned and skinny  :-I

    Weights+Cardio= Toned with great strength and power :-)

    Weights=Ripped but no stamina or cardio fitness :-(

    You are looking for a mix of weights and cardio.

    Running in my opinion is the best form of cardio out there. Swimming though, burns the most calories. Running strengthens the legs in ways swimming just can't compete with.

    1.Run 1-2 miles before each workout session. (This should not make your legs hurt yet)

    2. Start with ab machine/crunches(or w/e u do for your abs)

    3. Ab twister (both sides of your oblique) 3 sets 12 reps

    3. Then go to back (Do 3 sets 12 reps of Good Mornings)

    4. Then go to bench press (3 sets 10 reps) at 80% of your max weight.

    5. Pull ups: Wide Grip: (3 sets 12 reps)  Short Grip (3 sets 12 reps)

       (Pull ups are arms facing away from you by the way)

    6. Leg Press: (3 sets 12 reps) Don't be surprised if you are doing 300-500 lbs on this. Legs are strong.

    7. Hamstring Flexion: 3 sets 12 reps (careful not to overexert)

    8. Calf Raises: 3 sets 12 reps

    9. Dips: 3 sets 12 reps


    TRY THIS Home Workout WORKOUT... ALL YOU NEED IS YOUR BODYWEIGHT, a pull up bar, and maybe a couch: It got me pretty far

    1. Run two miles

    2. Do leg raises 3 sets 20 repetitions(put your hands under the couch when you do this)

    3. Do planck hold 90 seconds 2 sets

    4. Pushups: 3 sets 20 reps

    5. Pull ups: 4 sets 12 repetitions (wide Grip and narrow grip)

    6. On stairs: do toe raises

    7.  Then for quads and hams do wall sits against the wall

    Hold each for 70 seconds and do 2-3 sets


  3. You need to add some resistance training to get toned.  Tone is achieved when you have muscle and a low body fat % so that you can see that muscle.  Try out the routines and diet here..

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