
How can i build biceps quick,easy and only with dumbells and pull ups???

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if anybody knows please he or she has to tell me!




  1. If you use only dumbbells and pull ups/chin ups what mdkruse2 told you about doing 4 set of 8-10 reps is good but don't work out every day. Take a 2 day rest between your bicep work outs or they will not grow. You'll just wear them out. All the pros will tell you to rest 48-72 hrs for each muscle group and don't alternate between exercises, like doing curls and then do chin ups. Do all 4 sets of curls or chins first then switch to doing the other. On a day when you're not doing curls, do legs or triceps but give each muscle group 48-72 hrs rest before doing it again. REST is very important. Maybe more important than the exercises themselves. For example: A top lifter in the bench press  will usually only lift heavy one day a week.

  2. The way to build any muscle fast is to use weights that are as heavy as you can stand, 4 sets of 8-10 reps, 3-4 different exercises a day for that muscle group... so hopefully you have some heavy dumbbells.

    I would do hammercurls, in which you stand with dumbbells in your hands with your arms at your side and your palms facing your body (as you would normally stand, but gripping the dumbbells).  Without twisting your wrist or arching your back, pull the dumbbells up to your shoulders (alternating arms).  Try to keep your upper arm as straight as possible.

    Then do pullups.  Pullups with your palms facing away from your face will work your back and shoulders, and pullups with your palms facing toward your face will work your biceps.  Keep your body straight - I try to do as many as I can before I feel I can't do any more.  Start off trying to do 15.  If you still feel like you can do more, then do it.

    Then go back to weights, This time sitting with your hands gripped on the dumbbells, your arms straight pointing towards the ground, and your palms facing in front of you.  Alternate your reps, pulling the weights toward your shoulders as before.  Oh, and it's 8-10 reps per arm.

    Next go to Pushups.  Your arms should be placed far enough away from your head that when your nose touches the ground, your upper and lower arm is at a 90 degree angle.  Keep your body rigid and flat, with your feet slightly apart.  Try to do 30, and as before if you can go on, then do it.

    Go back to weights - this time with one dumbbell (25-30 lbs).  Put it on the ground in between your feet.  Squat and pick it up with one hand, and keeping your body rigid lift the weight with your legs - the weight should be at your waist with your arm straight pointing to the ground.  Once standing upright, lift and push the weight over your head.  Lower the weight back to your waist and then lower to the ground by squatting.  Grasp the weight with your other hand and repeat.  This is all one range of motion, with an alternate lifting of the legs and arms (lifting with the legs as a back saver).  Breath out as you lift to your waist, and again when you lift above your head.  Breath in as you lower the weight.  Try to do 15 per arm to start.

    Then go back and do pullups.  If you want to get some abs in too, try Gorilla pullups - as you pull yourself up, bring your knees up to your chin, utilizing your abs to do so.  It's weird at first but it works abs and biceps at the same time, and you get used to it.

    This might take about 20 minutes every day, but focuses specifically on biceps.  If the weight seems light as you go on, step up to the next size.  It might be a good idea to do half the reps with one weight, and the last half with a size up.  If you struggle with the last couple reps don't reduce the weight, just do as many reps as you can, take a small break, and then try to finish the rest.

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