
How can i build muscle around my house?

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im 14 by the way




  1. Protein is very important in order for you to build muscle. This you get from beans, peas, seeds, nuts and meats. For these to brake down properly you also need your other foods - fruits and vegetables along with your carbohydrates. You also need to be eating at least 3 square meals per day along with your exercise. Water is also very important in your diet. Drink 8 - 10 glasses per day. Water helps to dissolve toxins have them flushed out. Ridding the body of toxins helps improve metabolism.

    Do as much as you can that involves muscular work.  Planting a garden is good.

  2. Everyday, Take out the trash, scrub the tub and shower, Mop the floors on your hands and knees,

    If you do this everyday for 5 weeks, I swear you'll grow muscles and a sense of responiblity!

    Worked for my 15 yr old!

  3. Why do you want a strong house?

  4. i don't understand the question

    this is America, speak English!

  5. Try pull ups, push ups, sit ups, skipping rope, bike riding, skating or skate boarding, briskly walking for 30 minutes twice a day.  Eat a healthy diet - lots of good vegetables - leave off the starchy stuff & junk food.  No eating at Fast Food Joints - skip in between meal snacks.  Drink plenty of water to keep the traffic flowing - get a good niite's sleep.  That means skipping a lot of late nite tv or video gaming. You don't want to overdo the big, bulky muscle bit - because in a few years they'll begin to sag & look like hanging baskets!  Good Luck.  

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