
How can i build muscles fast?

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How can i build muscles fast?

im 17 skinny and have tried nearly everything to gain wait and muscles and nothing is working, is there things i should be eating everyday , what am i doing wrong




  1. The only key is control, u have to work out REGULARLY and each work out has to be structured properly, u shud start with a warm up on the treadmil or something then do the bycicle, for a while then move on to weights, when ur body's in the mood, also to go with the work out'a u''ll need PROTEIN so lots of  eggs ,,,,,,,,although i hate it swimming is also actually a very god wa to lenghths as wellas gym

    Just have to work hard and it will pay off

  2. heavier weights less reps.

  3. Get a Routine Going Every Day.

    Using Weights.

    And Other Things.

    Maybe a few Laps around a Large Feild Or Something.

    Eat Healthily Too !

    That Helps.

    Give it a Few Years or so..

    Not A few Days...


  4. eat a lot of protein and work out

  5. 'Fraid you're gonna have to sweat it. The "no pain, no gain" motton isn't really true, but what's true is that if you don't put the time into it, you won't really gain any muscle. By time, I mean 30 mins -1 hour EVERY day come rain, sleet or snow

    Simple calisthenics work great, and they are free - no equipment needed either!

    Try this (and it will be tough going):

    30 x pushups

    50 x crunches

    50 x jumping jacks

    25 x jumping squats

    20 x dips (if you don't have a place you can do full body dips use a chair and do 20 dips)

    20 x pull-ups (if you have a place to do them)

    30 x lunges (15 each leg)

    100 x jump rope skips

    25 x 2 foot box jumps (jump up onto a 2 ft tall box with both feet).

    Also, if you have a punchbag, its a great way to get fit and to relieve stress by hammering the c**p out of something =)

  6. Not enough steriods.

  7. The key ingredient to gaining muscle mass is to add lots of PROTEIN to your daily diet. You should have 1.0-1.5 grams of protein for each pound you weigh. Protein helps your body to build lean muscle after your workout. Speaking of workout, I would start with simple toning exercises (low weight/more reps) to get your muscles used to being worked. After about 2 weeks you can go to the strengthening exercises (high weight/low reps). This will break down your muscles fast and with all the protein in your diet, when they heal it will be solid lean muscle mass.

    Push-ups are very good. But most people think of the simple ones, but there are many different types of push-ups that work different parts of your upper body. Wide, Regular, Diamond, Feet elevated, one-handed, all of these work different parts of the chest/arms. And you will find yourself using muscles you didn't even know you had.  

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