
How can i build my self confidence?

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im quite a naturally quiet person but i want to feel more confident and dont know how- i wish id talk more etc...

any help would be great..




  1. If you have mirror.........practice like the best way I've done it since I started high schoool..........and thanks to those little practices I've gotten to date men who were unbelievevable to date.........and yes build up your confidence ;)

  2. you know some people cant engage in a proper conversation and i have come to realize that quiet people have ussually a great deal of knowledge and thingsthey wish to say however you have probably heard the saying ''emty vessels make most noise'' thats cuz there are people who actually listen to those people.

    usually most people are too lazy to talk about seriouse things or things that require them to ''think'' i know how you feel and i too wish to open up a bit more but finding the right people who you can talk with can be hard so if you do wish to grab their attention try thinking on a basic maybe even stupid level

    personally i dont care much about trying to fit in anymore(if thats how you feel now)i ignor them as they ignor me-that simple try getting people that make you want to talk and actually make you talk dont hang with people that make you strain just to say something............hope this helps

  3. Every once in a while do something that you are afraid to do.  Nothing big like taming a lion with a chair--just asking a question at a store or sitting in the park with a dog (somebody will come up and talk to you--dogs are people magnets)

  4. If you tend to worry about your flaws, say the h**l with them! everyone's got flaws =P. Try writing out a list of "Reasons Why I'm Awesome" That should help with confidence.

  5. ask yourself for your self image among your group your mates and your self confidence will devlop on its own

  6. Self-confidence is based on your conscience, believe it or not. If you follow your conscience for an extended period of time, you will be skeptical of stuff that gets in the way of that. The ability to override obstacles is self-confidence.

  7. Practice the art of conversation.  If your shy, and feel you've been 'out of the loop' for some time, then set goals and gradually build up.  On your first week you could set a goal to ask 10 random people that you don't normally speak to simple questions like, 'how did you do on a test?', 'what time is it?' etc. Be a good listener, but don't be disapointed if the person seems busy or preocupied.  What your doing is opening up the line of comunication. If people are receptive, short conversations may follow and those conversations will lead to other conversations.  The art of conversation (so to speak) takes practice.

  8. You would need to love and accept yourself the way you are.  You can always make yourself look better with your comfort in anyway.  You should start with changing your look in a more elegant way and this will bring you lots of nice comments about your new look.  Take those comments in the best way you could think of...more complements about how you look everyday will build up your self confidence in no time.  Key thing is Do Not think about what you don't like about yourself.  You might just have set your expectations too high for yourself.  Good Luck.

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