
How can i build up enough stamina& endurance in 2 weeks to be bale to run 3 miles. as of now i can only run 2

by  |  earlier

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i can only run a fast 1 mile, i need to be able to run 3 miles quickly, under 30 min. but i also want to improve my 1 mile speed. i only have 2 weeks to do this.




  1. I have given advice a number of people going into the military to be able to meet the required entry times on a very short time frame and it has been successful for all of them.  Start out by beginning your run on your normal basis.  When you get into your run about a mile, start sprinting for approximately 50 yards and then back to you running pace for another 50 yards. (I use telephone poles as a guide)  Each day add another 50 yards or telephone poles to your sprint and you will gain speed and endurance.  

    Don't forget to cool down at the end of your run and stretch your muscles out,

    Best of luck

  2. stop eating so much.

    also, it might help if you didn't puss out after two miles.  What are you, in 8th grade?

    I could run four times what you can't run and I'm 230 lbs.

  3. Well, i wreslte year around on a state wrestling team, an alot of the stuff we do, endurences wise, is alot of tumbling(acrobatics)mix it up a little bit during your run, cart wheels, front rolls, hand springs etc. Also you should be running atleast 2 times a day, best to be 3, early morning, midday, then a good jog at night. This plan takes a lot of dedication so you gotta want this bad cuase its rough on the body(no clue how great of shape your in) an thats not including getting in the gym in between.But as time gets near to the the date when you have to be done start joggin your two miles but instead sprint the alst mile an then go to 2 1/4 an gradualy work up to three miles....This should work(an if your up for it run with wieghts improves speed)

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