
How can i build up my confidence?

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How can i build up my confidence?




  1. By thinking positive in all situations.

    Naturally confident people usually have the uncanny ability (or arrogance) to ignore anything negative and focus on the good. That way, they are never down on themselves, and as a result they have no reason not to be outgoing.

    It's a big challenge, as it takes a big shift in your perception of yourself. Say out loud when bad things happen that "it could have happened to anyone, it's not because of me"...that sort of thing. Sounds silly, but if no-one else will say these positive things (which again, IS nothing to do with you...that's just the way it is) then why  not say them yourself.


  3. Shorty gave you some great advice there. Most importantly, remember that you are special - there's nobody like you!

  4. By being confident in everything you worked for!


  5. -Socialise with people more

    -Do some voluntary work

    -Take up more responsibility

    -Join a sport or club

    -Self awareness- understand your strengths

    - Be more critical of things

    -Say whats on your mind

  6. If it scares the life out of you, then DO IT. Each time you have a success then you will build your confidence. It only has to be a partial success to build confidence. As long as you are not putting yourself or others in danger, go for it. If you fail, be kind to yourself. Find out what you need to learn to do it better next time, learn it then try again. You will soon be brimming with confidence.

  7. with Legos maybe....luck!

  8. Get the best education you can. Read a lot.

    Practice the things you like to do until you are the best you can be.

    Face your fears.

  9. smile lots :-))))

  10. You can build up your all-around confidence by doing things you're good at and in which you already have confidence in your abilities.  

    Learn to recognize that everyone has things in which they naturally excel--as well as those that leave much to be desired.  Once you learn where it is that your strengths lie, focus on making those your priorities.  Secondly, go to those where there could be room for improvement and learn to become proficient in these.  Lastly, try to avoid getting involved in tasks where you have absolutely no aptitude at all!  Find someone else to do those for you, while you help them with the things they're no good at.  

    <LOL>I realize that there are certain required courses in school that will be a stretch for you--as well as certain times that you'll absolutely HAVE to do things for which you have little or no talent.  That's Life! Hopefully, the experience you've had with prior successes will have given you enough confidence that you'll be able to enjoy your strengths and accept your weaknesses.

  11. actually nobody can help some one to have confidence.....yet......are some i got my confidence ......first of all if the competion i did ......and if i am  am quite  through...then i have full confidence .....and if i am not thourough i keepin on doing things in that subjectt!!!

  12. In your question, you used the word "Build", and that is the very word you should focus on when your working on self confidence. Whenever anything is built, it is usually a long process which involves much work, and has many set-backs along the way !

    Obviously here i am just making a comparison, because working on your self-esteem or confidence is much different than working on a house or a building, but it does take time just the same.

    Set some small goals and take your time with you have trouble talking to people, then you would make that one of your goals, and you work on going up to people and starting conversations, and you would work on that for a month if thats what it takes for you to start getting more comfortable. So by practicing this you will get more confident. And remember, you might have some bad days, but its important to try again and to be persistant...Anyway, thats just one example, but that is the concept....

  13. Hi Claire, I know how your feeling as I have no self confidence, and it has made my life h**l, as I have always been one of these people that will do anything not to stand out, because I don't want to be in the center of things becasue my confidence is non-existing.

    However I set myself tasks to do each day, and once I have accomplished them I know my confidence is improving for the better. First of all when I get up I say this " each and everyday I am getting better in each and every way" although when you say it you have to believe it otherwise nothing will come of it. Secondly as I am also very shy which is part of the no self confidence, I try to say hello to at least one stranger each day either when your walking past people in the street, or sitting on a bus/ train/ coach/ plane etc. And lastly I try to assert myself better, by speaking in a louder voice, not shouting but just enough to let people know you are there which probably doesn't sound like much but it works very well.

    I hope this helps you as much as it helps me each day. Also I forgot to say that the colour of clothing you wear can make a differnece to how you feel. For example black, grey or brown may make you feel low, whereas red, pink, yellow and orange will help you to feel great as the colours are more uplifting to look at and will help you build your confidence more and more. I bought my first red top the other day, and when ever I wear it I feel great! So go ahead and try it.

    Good luck and best wishes for today and the future.

  14. Think of something your are good at doing - could be anything from listening to people or building lego sets, absolutely anything, and do it often, take it further, join a related club or society, then you will start to feel better about yourself and lose some of your hang-ups.  The only person who is holding you back is you!

  15. well you have to be out there in life and you most definitely have to be ignorant when you need to. be ignorant to the things you know are wrong or that you shouldnt or dont take interest in. live your life, make something good out of it and the rest will come on its own. and make sure you get out and get social with the right kind of people.

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