
How can i build up stamina?

by  |  earlier

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well it's back to school now and i'm in the track and volleyball team. recently when i'm with my friends having an off season training i found that i get REALLY tired after 5 minutes. is there a way i can build up stamina? also, i've noticed i've got a bit fatter XD




  1. Keep running even when it's off season. It will keep you healthy and fit, so even when you run during off season, you don't feel as tired.

    Go for a jog even just for a couple minutes.

  2. The best way to build up stamina is to push yourself out of your 'comfort zone' when it comes to exercising. Your comfort zone is the intensity of your exercise at which you don't feel overly exerted and feel like you could go 'up a level' if you absolutely had to. The best way to build stamina is to run until the point when you feel tired, and then to keep going no matter how much you want to give up, no matter how much it hurts.

    You said that you are "REALLY tired after 5 minutes". The quickest way to build stamina would be to run for another 5 minutes after this initial time in which you are "REALLY tired". During the last 5 minutes, you must push yourself to your limit in order to achieve maximum results. After 2-3 sessions of this 10 minute run, increase the time of your run... try running for 15 minutes. Build up your stamina this way using small increments in time, and I assure you that you will notice an improvement. You should also begin to lose a bit of weight if you try hard enough.

    If you are one of those people who absolutely hate running then there are other options available.  Cycling is good, and exercise bikes are particularly conveniant as they display various statistics which can help you achieve your goal.. plus, you can ride while watching TV. Swimming is another good alternative as it works your whole body.

    Hope this helps and good luck with your athletics.

  3. go on a diet...follow some of those tips that help you lose weight w/o sacrificing some good foods...i'd agree with whoever is above even when off season...oh and exercise regularly

  4. got a job? spend ur money on ROIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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