
How can i build up stamina while running?

by  |  earlier

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im a 15 year old male and iv'e been able to get up to 1 mile when i played sports, but now during slow time i can barely run 3/4 of a mile. How can i get up back to 1 and maybe even go 2?




  1. You have to train your body to not stop. When you feel tired, slow down, but don't stop. Concentrate on something- be it your running style, or the bush/stop light in front of you. When you don't think about the pain, it's easier.

  2. Hey I also run Cross Country and Track, The best thing to do would be to stay consistent.  Something our coach has us do, that is pretty standard is to push yourself Monday then hold back a little on Tuesday, hard on Wednesday and so on.  Consistency is key, but running isn't the only thing that you have to do.  When your done with a run, its not a bad idea to lift weights and always stretch.  Eat healthy and do these things and you will be above 2 in no time.

  3. I'm a runner, I do cross country as well as track. All you can do is run consistently. Don't go for big miles and then take days off. If all you can do is 3/4 of a mile, do that every day until you feel comfortable, and move up in distance when you're ready.

  4. Keep your head up (don't look down) keep pumping your arms toward your side, and run on the balls of your feet and i guarantee you will be more agile and can run further distances with out slowing down.

  5. the only thing u can really do is keep running n push urself

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