
How can i call immigration.?

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i worked in a factory for over 7 years. i got layed off because they hired illegal immigrants fro cheaper labor. thats not fair. can anyone give me the number to immigration so i can call them up. Alot of ppl have been layed off because they hired immigrants for less $moolah$




  1. This is exactly how they ruin this econmy; by undercutting hardworking citizens.  Whether it be landscaping or toilet scrubbing, Americans did it first.  But they were paid a living wage, that's the only difference.  If this is allowed to continue it will seriously threaten the middle class.

  2.  They will file the reports for you with everyone (immigration, FBI, IRS, DHS) and will post the company's name on their website so people will know not to do business with them.

  3. Maybe if you worked harder and stopped taking so many breaks, you would still have a job today! Don't blame other for your laziness dude! You must have used your "Acme Immigration Status Check Spy Kit" to determine they are illegal immigrants to?

  4. Look in the blue pages in your phone book.  It is listed under the federal government.  When you call, demand that they take action, and if they do not, take a news reporter with you to go to their office and ask for an explanation.

    My wife was born to legal immigrants from Mexico, who are now citizens themselves.  Between them (and myself) and several other LEGAL immigrant friends, we have been responsible for the deportation of around 125 illegals.  We have had to push a little until they started recognizing our names.

    sergio...did you ever think that there could be TWO people at fault?  What part of ILLEGAL do you not understand.  And if they are so good for America, how come even the majority of those who are here LEGALLY (when you eliminate those who were made legal by the last round of amnesty) OVERWHELMINGLY oppose them being allowed to stay?

    Dina...what is wrong with going after both?  As long as they are here to hire, and we are not punishing those who do, we will have the problem on two fronts.  I propose a $50,000 fine for first offense of employing an illegal, and $250,000 and 5 years in prison for second offense.  As for the illegals, cane their feet and lower legs and deport their @$$E$.  The caning is so they cannot outrun INS again.

  5. To above poster.

    It most certainly IS the illegal criminal alien's fault if they take someone's job. HELLOOOOOO!!

    It is a crime to knowingy hire illegal criminal aliens, but it's ALSO a crime to be in a country illegally and work in the country illegally. If they weren't here in the first place, they couldn't be hired. Not all employers are aware that some of their employees spit on our immigration laws and are working with stolen IDs. Many times illegal criminal aliens use stolen IDs to gain employment, as well as illegally receiving benefits and services they aren't legally entitled to.

  6. See this is what all Americans don't get, especially the ones that support illegals. I read the post above me and they have the right answer. Also write your congressman and senator about this, I do on a nonstop basis.

  7. Welcome to America

    That is not personal, only business

    Who told you life is fair, specially in this country ?

  8. The company is the one doing the hiring & laying off. Go after them. If you deport everyone they've hired, guess what, they'll just hire 50 more people the next day and you're still out of a job buddy.

  9. it's not the immigrants  problem because they took your job it's the company's fault get that through your head if you were smart you would sue the company not deport the Mexican they  are just like you humans looking for jobs to support there family why do you want to make them suffer get a new job your not going to get your old one bake be reasonable

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