
How can i calm my cat down?

by  |  earlier

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hello my daughter gave me a cat for mothers day whom a love very much, but he is really energetic! and i cant take him for walks like a dog, but is there anyway i can calm him down? he plays most of the day and he also plays with our 2 goldens and even they get fed up sometimes... but he is a 6 month old siamese and persian mix if that helps and he has been neutered.

thanks :)




  1. lol  hes still got a lot of kitten in him  as he gets older h**l settle down some  in the mean time try playing with him more or try getting him some new toys   rotate them so he doesnt get bored  

  2. He must be REALLY energetic if he can outdo two goldens! He must have inherited the siamese personality. They can be really rambunctious. Persians are usually laid back primadonnas.

    I don't agree with the suggestion of placing food around the house for kitty to find, because of the dogs. They will DEFINITELY find it first. And Feliway is for cats that have stress problems. It doesn't sound like your kitty is stressed, he is just being a kitten. He will (hopefully) calm down as he gets older.

    Now, if kitty is bothering the dogs enough to where you think the dogs may snap at kitty, remove kitty from the situation and give kitty a 'time out'. You can train a cat, but it takes a while. I trained my cat not to bother us in the middle of the night. She would tear through the house at 3 a.m. and run full tilt into the bedroom and leap onto the bed and whoever she landed on became collateral damage. I had a two pronged approach. Several times, I caught her in mid air, and put her in the bathroom for the night. Her food, water and litterbox were in there so she didn't go hungry, and there was a rug on the floor for her to lay on. I also had a small (about 3 inches) teddy bear, that I kept within reach. When she would jump up on the tallboy dresser at 3 am, I would chuck the teddy bear at her. Between being locked in the bathroom and the flying teddy bear, she learned in about 2 months that waking us up in the middle of the night was not what she wanted to do. She's 11 now, and has slept the night through with us since then. When she gets up and down off the bed, she is so gentle we don't wake up.

    Good luck with your boy. I hope you have a long and happy life together. =)

  3. siamese are known for having quite the attitude so even if he grows out of the "kitten crazy energetic" stage he will always be a loud mouth spicy cat haha. there is a trick for stimulating energetic cats where instead of feeding them regular meals once or twice a day or leaving out food all day, you hide small handfulls of food through out the house, not only will the cat have to run around to find the food, but he'll feel like a mighty lion hunting for his feed :] besides that, as crazy as it sounds if you have a spare room/play room for the cat attaching a strip of shag carpet on the ceiling, cats love climbing up the walls and it will certainly burn off some excess energy

  4. As he is still a kitten there isn't a way to calm him down. Buy different toys and rotate so he doesn't get bored. My cats both love string and mice most. If you get a second cat also it may help so he has a buddy to play with but thats not always the answer. He will calm down some as he gets older though. However contrary to what one suggested on here DON'T give catnip. That just causes them to get even more wild. At least it does with my cats. Good Luck.

  5. take him and pet him

  6. You have a special most are aloof and self intrigued ! I believe at 6 months though he is still a kitten or I guess a teen as compared to humans.....see the problem ! lol I think time is the remedy here and then after that you'll miss his antics ! Good luck !

  7. Try a product called feliway.It will chill him right out.

  8. catnip!!

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